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  1. Hi. Do CodeLab support call of another plugins with setting settings? I want to call few plugins in a row. And repeat it for few images with the same plugins settings
  2. Hi Rick, Thanks for new version! 🔥 p.s. I hope v5.x will bring new features, like layers groups, smuggle and another tools 😀
  3. As an old user i wanna said - it's convenient as it is right now Just use it more and you will used to
  4. Agree, and even more - i think at least some plugins should be preinstalled
  5. Hi all My suggestions are: folders for layers (just to convenient move group of it. it can be without any blend or alpha properties) horizontal and vertical guides (drag from top/left ruller to get it). right now i just draw lines, it's very inconvenient
  6. paint net is Gorgeous!! Thank you! Very waiting for new features like layers groups, smuggle tool and etc
  7. Thank you! 😄 I hope this information will be enough 🤓
  8. Hi there! I have created another great picture in Paint.NET, and i'm trying to export it into my game But i have to do it by layers because my picture is interactive! Problem is: Game development software doesn't have the same blend modes! There are only four build in, But there is possibility to your own! Is there descriptions of blend mods? I want to replicate it! Can you please tell me "Color burn" blend mode settings?
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