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Goonfella`s Gallery - New Frontiers 28.02.16


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I really like your new abstract and seeing it and looking through your older abstracts makes me wonder why you don't do as many any more. You have some really beautiful abstracts in your gallery. With that said, the image after the new abstract, the spheres with the wheat flying down from space is one of the most beautiful images I have seen. Something about it really speaks to me.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Glad you like it Possum.

Saw this tut and just had to do it as it was a really fun one and it makes a great wallpaper. :D

The galleon is made from wood all the way from Wales. Thanks Welshy. :wink:

http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photosh ... ratch.html



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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:lol: They're so cute! I love the background and the reefs and the water. The sunken ship is very well-done, too. I like your title for this image as well. It kind of makes me wonder what the fish were up to. Very, very well done!!! :shock: :shock:

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Thanks janettsue. Glad you like it. :wink:

Well, at parties you need a camera to catch the embarrassing moments - so I made one.

It`s based on this PS tut -

http://psd.tutsplus.com/tutorials/icon- ... mera-icon/

The challenge was replicating the dodge/burn tool that is unavailable in PDN. In the end I did it using Oma`s blur painting technique . I think it turned out OK.This will be the next entry in my `Inferface' section.



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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Thanks everyone , glad you like it. :D

There is one thing I could change though and that is the text above the camera. I think it should be a bit bigger and more `in your face' to get the attention of people who might be glancing through whatever very expensive and classy magazine my ad would appear in.( :lol: ). As it is , all the text is the same size which I think doesn`t look quite right. Guess I`m just a bit of a perfectionist. I never seem to be satisfied. :D

The background is from a photo manip I did some time ago. I just cropped it to suit the ad. You can still see the full size pic in my gallery.

Thanks for all the nice comments anyway. :wink:

Edit- Updated as suggested on Fans. Thanks for the c&c guys. :wink:



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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