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Copying and Pasting transperancy problem

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Hello. I have a problem with copying and pasting in paint.net
The program pastes transperancy and the following happens:
1. I select an object I want to copy and paste and I also select some free space
2. I copy and paste it
and when I move it to the object to the left, this happens!

How can I paste an object with free space not like this?

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^ what he said 😀


The reason you see what you do is you are copying the rectangular area including the surrounding transparency.


Ctrl + C then Ctrl + Shift + V is the keyboard shortcut you want to memorize.

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I'm having this problem too and all of your suggestions are illogical.


Copying transparency shouldn't be an issue. It's transparent. You're all treating the transparency "background" as a legitimate solid color or checkered background, when it should be non existent. 0 on the alpha scale.


This has never been an issue for me, but all of a sudden paint.net is doing this odd behavior.

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5 minutes ago, BoltBait said:

You may be confusing MS Paint with Paint.NET. 


Funny, but really.

This started yesterday, and the only thing I've changed was downloading and installing the PSD.dll into the filetypes folder.
Do you all actually think "copying transparency" that OCCLUDES things behind it is acceptable behavior?

Edited by gerkm
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7 minutes ago, gerkm said:

Do you all actually think "copying transparency" that OCCLUDES things behind it is acceptable behavior?


4 minutes ago, BoltBait said:

So, either you’re mixing them up or you’ve forgotten how to utilize layers in Paint.NET. 


I know exactly how layers should work. Maybe you all just forgot the actual definition of the word transparent?



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I have using Paint.NET since 2008 so I am sure that you are wrong about that.

It is obvious that you have  become aware that Paint.NET handles Layers and Objects in its own way, but I have learned how it works and use it for ~90% of my graphics work. I prefer the graphics engine in Microsoft's products such as PowerPoint and the defunct Expression Design which uses a single 'stage' that image and text layers are applied.

Edited by HyReZ


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1 hour ago, gerkm said:

I know exactly how layers should work. Maybe you all just forgot the actual definition of the word transparent?

In Paint.NET, when working on a single layer, you can move transparent pixels just like you can move opaque pixels.


MS Paint can’t do that. It is a serious limitation. 

The point is, if you want to move transparent pixels and don’t want them to affect the pixels below them, they must be on their own layer. 

Don't fight it... just learn the power of Paint.NET. 

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2 hours ago, gerkm said:

I know exactly how layers should work. Maybe you all just forgot the actual definition of the word transparent?


I'm the author of Paint.NET. You clearly do not know how layers should work. You are wrong. Now that you know this, you can learn and make progress, and we're happy to help.

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