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Midgetalien's Gallery -New spacescape page 11


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i think you don't need to post every little difference you do with your sig and avatar, like just a text change

Your right.....I just upload em and post em. Bah, no harm done though

anyway heres some stuff that i ahve been working on yesterday and today. Its all 100% PDN + plugins (though i guess even with plugins its still 100% PDN right?)

The only exception is the witch on the witch poker chip. I got that from a free clip art site.





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i quite like your wolf style sig and the mountain style landscape. Good job :)

thank you ^_^ - i think the wolf one is the best sig i have done to date. The mountain landscape - i was messing around in PDN testing out effects and stuff, its not great but i am glad you like it :)

EDIT: I also made a matching avatar: Avatarhalloween1.jpg

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@ Helen - Thank you :) - I am glad you like them! The nebula's are a new thing that i am experimenting with. I think i have the planets pretty much mastered. In some planet pics i have a sort of space dut in the background, so recently i have taken that effect and expanded upon it to create nebulas. So the fact that you like the early stages shows that i am getting there lol

@ TheonlyChad - Thank you, its great to be told that your work is improving. Makes all those hours learning techniques and perfecting your methods all that more worth while lol. Trust me, many an hour have been spent learning spacescapes. I think i have just about every spacescape tutorial for Paint.net

@ Sokagirl - Gald you like them, thanks for the kind comments. Again the nebulas are very early experiments with methods i have learnt and then tweaked by myself. a lot of trial and erorr i can tell you!

Thank you again for all the kind comments :) I might post a short tutorial in here about how to create the "space dust". Then from there its easy to figure out how to make nebulas :D

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