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Oval picture needs frame

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Hi rsrusher1957, welcome :D

If your oval frame is on its own layer (it should be), you can add a border using one of the Outline Object plugins. Check out the Plugin Index link in my Sig to find the plugins.

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see post#39


TR's plugin can repeat an image around a selection edge for fancy oval frames, or other shapes for that matter.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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I finally figured out how to make put an oval frame on my picture.  I would like to put a border around it.  I do need to go through all the basic tutorials but this is something I need right away.  Thank you for your help. 


Hi rsrusher! 


You can also make yourself. 


Link:  http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30186-easy-photo-frame-rectangular-circular-and-elliptical/

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