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a ruler that we can set the sizes of or one for the grid maker plugin

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hi all, im looking for a ruler that i can set to the cell size of a grid, so like that grid maker plug in but the rulers on paint net line up with the cells that it makes, numbered from 0 top left across and down from top left at 0, or does anyone know of a program that i can load an image into, then divide by what ever grid size and get the cell positions, thank you for any help.

Edited by jackhigh24
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You can't move the rulers - they're fixed where 0,0 is the top left of the image.


If you use the magic wand tool to select the inside of the cell, the Status Bar will show the top left pixel and the size of the selection.


If you zoom in on the selection (View > Zoom to selection) and have the rulers enabled, the blue highlighting in the ruler shows the selection dimensions.

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sorry im not very clear, i did mean set the 0 from top left of the image but instead of the ruler being in pixels cm inch that it could show the cells or grid squares so its marks are what ever we set in the grid sizes.



il try and explain an example, say i have a image 1024w x 128h in pixels and i divide it by 16 along the x and 16 along the y, it would give me a grid with 0 to 63 cells along the x axis and 0 to 7 along the y axis, id like the ruler to show it as 0 to 63 so i would know what cell im in, as at the moment i have to count along and down for every cell i need to put a mark in, if that was a big image then it would be nearly impossible to not lose count, im tuning a image into cell number so i can use them in a 2d array to store info in the cell.

Edited by jackhigh24
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Aha! You need this little plugin: XY Coords


(Yes it does work with pdn4)


Edit: beaten by Red :(

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umm, how does this work, is there any instructions for it, i cant find any, all it does is fills the image with a load of x: every 16 by 16 cell, i cant see how that translates in to a cell number, toe_head2001 battle ship grid is closer to what i wanted just using numbers instead of letters, or an adjustable ruler that we can set the markings based on how many pixels we count as one mark.

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...all it does is fills the image with a load of x: every 16 by 16 cell, i cant see how that translates in to a cell number...

The XYCoords plugin needs at least 24px to show the cell number. At 16px it's simply being cut off by the adjacent cell.

Making a numbered ruler to overly on top of a grid (a la BattleShip) would be very straightforward to code. Maybe someone will be nice and make it for you... or you could learn to do it yourself if you're into that sort of thing.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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ye its ok i decided to write my own, not for paint net as i don't know what code that uses, i wrote it so i can use it live within my games to plot out where i want collisions to take place, it lets me scroll through a game level and mark out visually where i want a collision cell and then saves the positions to a ini file so that i can just copy paste them into a data table.

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