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I've heard many good things about this plugin and decided to download it, but have a quick question about installing it.  I downloaded it to a flash drive while using a public library computer.  I have paint.net installed on my computer at home, which isn't connected to internet.  Now how do I "plug in" this plugin to the paint.net program from this point?  Do I just move it over to my computer's desktop and simply click on it?  Or does it need to be moved somewhere specific first?


Well, it wasn't as easy as I'd hoped.  I made it to step 3 where it said that clicking "open" would show all the files that were downloaded.  That didn't happen.  What happened instead is an error message saying that the files are used by the operating system and that editing or modifying them could damage my system, along with an invitation to choose which app I wanted to use to open them with.  Paint.net didn't even show up in the list of apps.  I do have Paint.net installed.  So what should I do instead?


The short version: If the files are zipped, manually unzip them. Copy the unzipped dll files into /paint.net/Effects/ and restart paint.net.

Posted (edited)

The short version: If the files are zipped, manually unzip them. Copy the unzipped dll files into /paint.net/Effects/ and restart paint.net.

They aren't zipped.  It's not a zip file that I downloaded (at least it doesn't look like one).  It was a dll file.  It's called Feather.dll.  It's appearance is a white rectangle with a picture of 2 gears on it, and when I click on Properties on it, it says it has 11 files in it.  Clicking it simply prompts an invite to pick an app to open it with.  I don't know how to get to the 11 files inside in order to drag and drop them into the Effects directory, 

Edited by ECPainter
Posted (edited)

Where did you download the file from?



It's the only one where the link for the plugin was clearly displayed.  Others have a "Download Now" button that takes close inspection to realize it's for something else.  I've learned to be careful of those.

Edited by BoltBait
No linking to viruses!

You don't open the .dll file, that is the plugin. Thats what you paste into the effects folder.

OP didn't download the right file.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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