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Everything posted by HyReZ

  1. You could have simplified the process by doing all of the art in Paint.NET Below I used a 5000x5000 px canvas I used layers for each part of the composition On the top transparent layer I used EER's Diagonal Lines plugin Diagonal Lines v2.0 with the settings that you see: ( The line angle, color, width, and interval are adjustable)
  2. The video is not much help other than show that menuing does not work. There was no transparency field around your text to add any dropshadow. I have computers here running Widows 10 32bit and Windows 10 64bit They all run PND just fine. Your problem is strange indeed, and may even be caused by malware. If other apps are running goofy. A system restore my be needed! Some members having goofy computer problems that were caused by certain video processor driver settings. I am out of ideas for you.
  3. One Page Tutorial... File Association To get started make sure the webp filetype plugin has been installed into PDN Then find a .webp image and right click it to get the #1 menu below. Then follow the steps as indicated. It is easy as 1-2-3, A-F 🙂
  4. I get the sense that ralf2019 already knows how to use the plugins but is having issues using them with his new laptop. My impression is that the laptop may be lacking resources or current drivers that is yielding prolonged rendering times and appears as if it not working. A 'new' laptop may be a year old; especailly if it was in a warehouse and is now on sale. It may need to have a bunch of updates before it is ready for the world!
  5. Greetings, When you say 'nothing happened', does that mean that the Drop Shadow window appears but none of the sliders work? When I use InnerShadow it takes ~34 seconds for the effect to render.
  6. I increased the frame timing to 1000ms (1 sec) so you have longer to read each frame
  7. @Seerose I was trying to find out if you had the same files in two locations within Paint.NET. That could cause a conflict! I am mentally testing a variety of possiblities for your problem.
  8. Greetings, I just checked the Settings options and there is no option for that! If your image is larger than the screen size it will be scaled down when opened, but small images will not be scaled up automatically!
  9. Your link is broken, but from your heading description; you may be looking for this plugin: Note: (This information was not included in the .zip archive of xod's plugin!) TextDistortion.dlc and TextDistortion.dll go in the Effects folder. The two OptionBasedLibrary.dll and OptionBasedLibrary.dlc files are copied to the Paint.Net folder and not to the Effects folder. After installation of the plugin and a restart of Paint.NET; the plugin will appear in the Effects>Text Formations menu @xod Feel free to copy this note, put it in an ascii text file and insert it into your plugin's .zip archive.
  10. From March of this year: https://www.cartacoffee.com/blogs/island-blog/how-much-does-a-cup-of-coffee-cost-coffee-prices-around-the-world In the parts of the world that you are probably thinking of; computers and Internet connections are 'grotesquely expensive' also. 🙂
  11. I am the one that is a bit lost here! Either you downloaded Paint.NET from the dotNET host or from the Windows Store. Correct? If you downoaded it from somewhere else you were at risk. If there was a message stating that was a error during download, check your Internet connection and try again. If that fails you can also go to another computer and download Paint.NET to a thumb drive and install it from there. BTW: Your original post was more coherent
  12. Greetings, If you delete a file it goes to the Trash bin where it can be restored (If you did not also go an delete the contents of that also) If you are having trouble with downloads goto Settings>Updates & Security>Troubleshooter and run the troubleshooter approprited to your problem. You can also go to another computer and download Paint.NET to a thumb drive and install it from there. Paint.NET is free when download from dotPDN Host here: https://www.getpaint.net/download.html And if you purchased from the Windows Store, there is a record there so you can reload. (And the cost there is that of a cup of coffee)
  13. I just occured to me to ask if Seerose has the ImAGIF filetype dll's in another folder by mistake?
  14. I see that you have the AminGIF.dll in you Filetype folder, yet you had no problem with your project. In the readme document of the ImAGIF plugin, Midora states: "Follow the instructions carefully - Unzip the archive - Copy the two files ImAGIF.FileType.dll/.dlc to the Paint.NET\FileTypes\ folder (a typical location is C:\Program Files\paint.net\FileTypes). - To avoid conflicts with other filetype plugins which support the same extension you should remove or disable them (i.e. AnimGIF.dll). To verify the installation you should restart Paint.NET and check that in the filetype popup of the open file selector dialog is an entry starting with AGIF." The mystery persist! @welshblue Nice job! BTW: ImGIF processes the project from the bottom layer up
  15. @Pixey I changed two settings from those that are default. I dropped the amount of colors to 8 and the Threshold alpha to 255 transparency. She can reset back to default with tab at the bottom of the save option. BTW: What settings did you use?
  16. @Seerose Are you able to save the project as a PDN file or does it only happen when saving to AGIF ?
  17. Greetings, I know of no easy, one size fits all, way to do what you are requesting! Paint.NET uses layers so that text can remain on its own transparent layer and then overlayed to another image. JPEG files do not support transparency nor layers!
  18. Greetings, Your trouble is a not a plugin problem or even a Paint.NET problem! It is a file extension association problem! Although this link to a video tutorial is not specific to Paint.NET it can help you with your problem:
  19. I used to have that problem with Google Chrome, Opera, and Firefox when I copied PNG or WEBP files, but it does no occur anymore. Could this be do fix in updates to Windows 10? I am using Windows 10 Home 64 Bit Version 1089 OS Build 17763.529.
  20. It is specific about using the Windows Character Map that Rick has also suggested; with the Canvas Script font that is being discused here.
  21. I am sure that I can't tell what is going on in your error log. I have not installed the current Paint.NET Alpha (α 4.107.7079.30132). I have successfully used Midora's AGIF Plugin with earlier versions of Paint.NET and with more complicated animations than the one explained in this tutorial. The plugin may have to be re-coded to perform in the newer PDN versions. My hope is that some of our forum members can help get to a solution to this problem that you are experiencing!
  22. I created this 'One Page Tutorial' this morning: Plugin used: ImAGIF Here is the result:
  23. I created this 'One Page Tutorial' this morning: Plugin used: ImAGIF Here is the result:
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