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Everything posted by skullbonz

  1. lol,Glad to see the humor is rubbing off,heh,heh. I think it looks ok now that I look at it with everything else so I guess I'll leave it for now. I didn't want to flood RedOchre's plugin thread with clipwarp pics and have a new one that I am pleased with so I just added it to the gallery,my version of a stargate,lol. I also made one of the sun because it is -4 F here today and needed something to warm me up,lol. Enjoy!
  2. lol,Thanks. I discovered something that maybe you all could use with this plugin. After making your glass layer run the median under noise on it. You can see how it rounds the edges and gives the inside a little blur when you play with the adjustments. That's what I used on the glue. I also just made another one of a star that i will add to my gallery where I used it,liking how that one came out. I hope this find helps some out.
  3. lol,ok Barbie,I had another one that I thought might be to bright,what do you think?
  4. Wow,I just stopped in to change the gallery header and already 5 comments,Thank you all. It looks like almost everyone likes strawberries and chocolate,lol,my mouth was watering when I made it so i couldn't make it look anymore real, to save my monitor. I didn't like the one star and wanted to do something different,plus add the word gallery. Since I have been playing with shadows and reflections and have this unexplanable sudden love for white,I made something a little different,lol.
  5. I hope you don't mind me sticking another one up here but I liked how it came out so I just had to,lol. An invisible fence and cows.
  6. Thank you everyone. The marble even freaked me out,specially when I got that light blue glow on the bottom. I was playing with making a white ball on a white background but so you can see the difference. One way was to add color and I was previously playing with tie die coloring so i gave it a try,a couple layers different directions and blended together and overlayed on the white ball made with shape 3 D. I really liked how it looked but it needed something so I took a spare color layer,ran it through radial blur deluxe,tipped it to the right angle under the ball and then adjusted the transparency so that it looks like the ball has wet ink and has rubbed off. I really want to make some cat's eye marbles though and I try some from time to time,no good ones yet,keep an eye out for one of those,lol. I just added my first ever fruit,lol,and had to add chocolate. It's kind of crude but a start. The strawberry took my a while but the chocolate took hours,with multiple plugins and layers but I kind of like how it came out. And yes,Clipwarp was one of them,lol. http://forums.getpai...pdate/?p=349670 Oh almost forgot,added something at the top of the gallery.
  7. Thank you everyone. I guess i never really thought of it like that barbieq25 and Welshblue. This program is amazing as a picture editor,I have done some real cool things with family pictures. But I do try not to use any copyrighted material,mostly my own pictures. You really can't have enough textures to play with,lol,I think about that every time I use my camera,even on vacations. And a tip barbie,don't ever use the flash for pictures you are going to use as textures,it will leave a light ball that is impossible to use. Thanks blackpenny. nanettealsop,yes I do have a magnetism to space pictures,lol. I love making them and always try to make them better and more realistic looking. Although they are looking pretty good so far,I still have a ways to go. We are kind of limited for that in pdn so sometimes i use something else for parts of it. Don't think any of it is beyond you,all you have to do is have patience,read as much as you can find on the subject and leap into it. You can't learn if you don't try. I do have to admit though that there are so many types of art out there it is almost impossible to learn how to do all of them well. I have a problem with cartoon type drawing,I can't do it,lol. It may be because I never watched cartoons growing up,big family and I was always outvoted so I would go outside or to my room. Anyway I think it was Yellowman who posted a picture once he made with terragen and pdn that peaked my interest. Terragen is a bit pricey but they have a limited free version that works for making mountains to use in PDN. I can also make whole scenes,but the number of objects are limited. PDN is 2D art where as terragen is 3D art,hard to mix the two. I didn't use PDN for anything in these thumbs but I wanted to show you all what I do in my spare time,lol. Oh and i almost forgot,lol,I added a couple in Art in the gallery. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21233-skullbonz-art-gallery-update-january-15th2013-update/?p=349670
  8. Did you draw these in paint.net? If so I would love to hear how and with what so I could give it a go. Also curious on the colors.
  9. Thank you all for your comments,it shows me that I might have finally mastered some of paint.net in two years,lol. I look back at my first creations and think how crude. And some of the newer ones I am making are freaking me out,lol. Yes Barbie i entered into the sig contest. I hope it's alright,I'm not used to working that small,it's an art. Welsh I will let you in on a couple little secrets,lol. First I found a real easy way to make cool looking snow globes. You pick the picture you want part of in the globe and use the donut plugin,adjust the inner and external radii to surround the scene you want inside the center with both radii close together. When you get the scene you want,don't worry about size yet,then adjust the distance between inner and outer radii until you get the distortion level you want. Then use the eliptical select,surround your globe with it,invert and delete.There is your globe but now you need to do the reflections to make it appear round. (I learned that in Barbieq25's jewel tutorial. ) Then just shrink it down to whatever size you want it to be. Snow is another story,I do it with Shapes/snowflake,go figure,lol,white,then tile image at 5-10 each side,then use jitter at an angle and adjust to look good. Put that over the donut image,under the reflections. Or use the whole image of the snow,use shape 3D and half sphere so the snow has distortion on the edges and place that layer under the reflections. My daughter loves the things and has a pretty good size collection so I had to figure out how to make them,lol. The wood,ahem,well uuhhh,ahem,well I cheat. Making wood textures for so many kinds of wood is a lot of work so I took the easy way out. Textures in general are either hard to find or copyrighted on the internet also. I decided that with my pretty good canon camera I could make my own texture library,specially with 2 tb of space,lol. When i was making a texture collection of different substances I noticed that around my house there were a lot of different looking wood. So I started taking pictures of the wood,most of which I would try to keep one board in the shot,easier to use later in shape 3D to make as many boards as you want,kind of like your own saw mill,lol. Any thickness,width or length and the sides look real also. When making something like a floor start from the back and work towards the front like a real floor so your layer placement is important. When you make your board in shape 3D before leaving make sure it is set where you want it to go with the proper angle the floor is headed. repeat for each board. Merge them all when done and then check out the brightness and contrast. To make shaped wood,use shape 3D first,any one of the 3 shapes.get it about how you want it and then go use the gridwarp plugin,some real trippy shapes of wood,lol. I hope you don't think lesser of me for coming clean on the cheat,lol,but I must also tell you while I'm confessing that all my planets are rock textures,heh,heh,and i own them all.
  10. Barbieq25 talked me into trying a sig in this contest,lol,and because of that and it being an Indian type theme,which I am one quarter ,I will give it a try,lol. I worked on a couple but this one stuck with me. I apologize for going with the 200 x 500 size. I started too big and couldn't go smaller without losing the effect. Never the less, I think it's ready. The Blackfoot Indian Cheif head came from here; indianpictures.blogspot.com/2012/01/blackfoot-indian-pictures.html And the White buffalo came from here; htttp://www.flickriver.com/photos/bovinacowboy/3843561828/ All else was made in Paint.net.
  11. Thank you blackpenny. Thank you also Barbie and I will try that one out,some of the themes scare me off,lol,but this one might be one I could do. One of my grandmothers was Indian. I have discovered a cool way to make nebulas or clouds in any shape from lines or squiggles. I also am trying to take a lead from Helen and trying to name some of my scenes,lol. The Bonz Eye Nebula I started with squiggly lines in a circle shape a layer for each color,5 I think,each a different thickness. With a few of the awesome plugins and layer blending it turned out like this. The other one I named is the Plasma Mining Camp # A 79. Helen will have to come up with the other ones name,lol,I am at a loss. 2 out of 3 isn't bad though,lol.
  12. I think you did an awesome job on these two, Clipwarp and Liquid Letters. Well the rest are great too,lol,but those two are my favorites.
  13. Thanks Red I noticed that while playing with it. Now I have a different problem though,it seems I must have spilled some glue on this picture,lol,lol.
  14. Nice job on the compass Sasha. I can see by which way it's pointing that you are thinking of warm weather in the south,lol. P.S. I just bought the PDN book for kindle at Amazon that Ego Ram Reputo wrote. You should check it out,it's an awesome compilation that all should have,no matter the skill level. And pretty cheap for what is inside.
  15. Thank you all for your comments,I am having so much fun with this program. I just bought the book so now my next step will be to make a donation as soon as I can afford to and remember to get that card,lol. Thanks on the sig. I was going to enter it in the sig contest but can never grab a spot at the right time,lol. Some people just love making sigs and have a boatload of them so they seem to hang out waiting for a spot to open up instead of giving someone else a shot at it. I for one don't really like making sigs because they are too small to see details and you lose the effect you started with when you shrink it down,so I mostly go with big pics. My current sig looked real cool full size,lol. Added a few art pics. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21233-skullbonz-art-gallery-update-january-13th2013-update/page-1
  16. Madonna stuff is the strictest. From what I have read,even pictures you take of her at a concert are legally hers and you are not supposed to use them for anything. Not sure about the rest of the musicians,just be careful where you use them and I think you will be ok. P.S. (I like Nicki also) sshhh don't tell anyone,lol.
  17. I finally remembered to pick up an amazon gift card at the store last night and purchased your book for the PC kindle that I also got from amazon. You did an awesome job on it Ego Eram Reputo,I give you two thumbs up and both big toes. I have been using PDN for two years now and pretty much figured my way around the program and plugins but this book explains so much more that now I fear I will never leave my computer,lol. I have a grandaughter who is growing fast and loves art. I am slowly introducing her to PDN and this book will help me do that so much better,Thanks again,you just made my life easier. P.S. I think you should be the "PDN Guru" of 2012!
  18. Thank you Drew Dale and Goonfella I did it!!! I got some pretty cool results with different backgrounds. One thing though,I really don't see the need to save a copy of the background to the clip board. I discarded the background and used a different one on each try. I started out simple using skullbonz,lol,and ended up with this. I am thinking of using it for my sig,I kind of like it,simple but cool looking. Thank you Red Ochre,nice plugin,I'll be experimenting with this one a lot in the future. Lol,just had to use it,lol,it made the old one look like dog doo,heh,heh. (the only words the censor would let me use,lol)
  19. Purtty good wood texture there Sasha. The floor looks a bit blurry though,but they love the blurs around here while I have a problem with blurs,lol,I keep trying to clean my glasses thinking they are dirty,lol.
  20. I had a problem with my old xp lately and it crashed. When I went to reformat again I ran into a problem getting any updates for it. They are non existent at MS and you can only get them from pirate sites which I do not recommend,you will bring home something else you might not want,lol. I looked all through their archives and everything seems to be deleted or moved for XP. MS is trying to get rid of XP and force us to upgrade,I believe this was there final step. I finally abandoned the old girl and put her in the pile with the other dinosaurs,lol. Good thing I have a newer windows 7 PC and a Vista that I converted to windows 7 so that now I have two windows 7 PC's,good graphics cards,big hard drives and loaded for bear on the Ram. Or should I say loaded for the future update of PDN? lol I recommend you upgrade also,even if you can't afford new,you can get some pretty good deals on PC's that are a couple years old and buy a 7 disc cheap. You can also find sites like newegg where you can build a good and fairly cheap system. If your PC is new enough you might even be able to convert that to windows 7,check the specs and windows 7 comes in 32 and 64 bit so it might work well in it. You might have to also upgrade to a good graphics card and plenty of RAM though.
  21. Oh goody,goody,goody,another plugin from BoltBait. I have needed this a few times in the past,Thanks man.
  22. Why not just use the magic wand to select a block you want to color,pick the color in the color wheel,adjust the transparency in more,then bucket fill that block on the map layer or another layer. You can use control while selecting blocks to color the same color for multiples of the same color. I would also put the colors on another layer,multiple colors,multiple layers. That way you can adjust the transparency before merging the layers. When using the magic wand you may have to adjust the tolerance for it to lock onto just what you want. If the lines do not connect and there are any gaps for it to bleed out,you may have problems though. You would have to make sure your lines are solid first. This is just how I would do it,not necessarily the way it should be done,lol.
  23. I agree with SAND on following the tutorials blindly without any experimentation for a competition. @ Tee; Not sure what you started with for an image but if you made it from scratch I would say it is pretty good but it needs some depth. You might have been able to use the shape 3D plugin,sphere,half a sphere setting and tip it to one side or another to give it that effect. Not bad though,I'll give you a =3 x @ Sash; A pretty good go at the tutorial but a bit too fuzzy and the light beams look a bit strange coming from underneath it all. The whole thing could have been a bit bigger so the light doesn't get cut off also. I'll give you; = 2 x Tee= 11x Sashwilko= 7x (I hope I did this right this time,lol,been patiently watching and learning before commenting again,heh,heh. Don't want to rile anyone again,heh,heh)
  24. I just can't get the hang of this one. I get lost when you want us to copy the background to the clipboard. Whatever I am missing is probably right in front of me,but I'll be damned if I can figure it out,lol. Must be the oldtimers kicking in,heh,heh.
  25. Lol,Thank you girls. It was tricky getting that little bugger to stand still long enough for me to snap his picture,heh,heh.
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