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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Using Lasso select or one of the other selection tools: Ctrl key down to add pixels. Alt key down to subtract pixels. Rule 21.
  2. http://a.imageshack.us/img812/3319/linkcode01.png [img=http://a.imageshack.us/img827/3060/maink.png] [url=http://steamcommunity.com/id/19943007/][img=http://a.imageshack.us/img580/5357/steamlink.png][/url][url=http://art-marius.webs.com/][img=http://a.imageshack.us/img201/8503/homelink.png][/url]
  3. Example code - Click on Reply to view.
  4. Brushes need to be extracted from the .abr files before using. Here are two programs for doing that. http://abrviewer.sourceforge.net/ This one seems to work better with Windows 7. http://www.easyelements.com/abrview.html
  5. There's a wiki on the 4:20 reference. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_%28cannabis_culture%29
  6. Okay. You want to be able to do Merge with Overwrite Blend mode. Not possible. The closest to a work-around, would be to choose a background color that won't be in the final image. Use that color in place of alpha, then eliminate that color as a final step in the flattened image. So, if you chose green as that temporary background color, your set-up would be: Layer Two . . . Duplicate of Layer One Layer One . . .Original Image Object Layer Zero . . Background - All green You would work on Layer Two. (Top layer) If you paint a green pixel it would appear as having been erased, because it now would match the background. If you then erase that green pixel, it creates a clear spot in Layer Two, that allows the original image on Layer One to show through. So, that way, erasing a change you have made would bring back the original appearance automatically. After flattening your completed edit, get rid of the green using the Magic Wand/Delete or Grim Color Reaper plugin.
  7. Some of the thumbnails don't expand when clicked.
  8. It is possible to set your color to zero Alpha - Transparency, and Overwrite blending. Then you could "paint transparency" onto pixels in the active working layer. It is not something that could then be erased to bring the image back. =================================================== The Undo function could be used to fix errors. =================================================== Making duplicate layers of the original as spares would make it easy to retrace steps. If you can post an example image and explain a bit more specifically what you are doing, it might lead to some helpful suggestions.
  9. You can fill the transparent part with white before saving, using the Paintbucket tool. Or better, position a new layer underneath, fill it with white, then merge layers. ================================================== Also, if you set the Bit-Depth to 24-bit in the PNG Save Configuration it will turn the transparency to white when saving.
  10. Go to the top of the first post of page one of this thread, and click on these words: "Download from box.net"
  11. That works very well for this. I retract my previous statement. Once installed, Effects Lab is found in: Effects > Advanced > Effects Lab
  12. Make your image in Paint.NET. Save As ... PNG. Use Writer, part of open-source freeware Open Office suite. http://www.openoffice.org/ Insert > Picture > From File... Export Directly as PDF. Produces a clean .pdf format image without the messy JPEG artifacts.
  13. Using the Photoshop filetype plugin, yes. Be aware that the plugin doesn't support all aspects of the .psd format. So, always save your original, and save the Paint.NET edited version as a different filename. (Don't overwrite the original.)
  14. Is it "do-able" in codelab? Not by me. Someone may know whether it's possible. For now, the main page for each plugin often will show the Menu path.
  15. Yes, .jpg does degrade image quality. CutePDF Writer converts to .jpg internally before producing the PDF.
  16. This suggests that conversion to JPEG is an inherent part of CutePDF Writer's process.
  17. Do you bring in the image directly from a .pdn file using copy/paste? Do you bring it in from a previously saved image? If so, what format was it saved as originally?
  18. It's really unclear what you are referring to here. Do you mean the transparency around the white part of the image? Additional explanation will be helpful.
  19. You haven't detailed the steps that you use you add or convert an image to .pdf . If you first save an image in a lossy format such as .jpg there will be degradation in quality. By saving as PNG or Optimized PNG this can be avoided. According to wikipedia, PDF uses both lossy and lossless filters.
  20. When the nub appears and you then look at the Tools window, is the Text tool still highlighted, or is another tool highlighted?
  21. You can get a different canvas texture look by adding two top layers. Fill them both with black/white Trellis fill using the Paintbucket tool. In Layer Properties (F4) set one layer to Multiply, the other to Additive and adjust the Opacity of each as you like.
  22. The plugin forum has an index that may help, if using Search doesn't.
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