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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. Are you setting the DPI to 300 and the size in inches before making the image or after? ============================================= Have you seen this?
  2. It should work fine for that if the other computer has NET Framework 3.5 SP 1 installed, and meets the other minimum system requirements.
  3. This is it. http://www.getpaint.net/download.html#download Plugins need to be downloaded and installed separately.
  4. Make your 1920x1200 background. Import the smaller picture: Layers > Import from File Press the Esc key to deselect. Use the Align Object plugin effect to center the smaller picture. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Align Object plugin effect won't work while the smaller picture is still selected.
  5. The DDS Filetype Save Configuration dialogue has a Generate Mip Maps checkbox.
  6. If your file assosiation for zip are wrong: -------------------------------------------------------------- You can use this registry fix, if you want: =File%20Folder%20Settings"]Zip File Fix Scroll down to the download for .zip . Download to your Desktop or Downloads folder. Right-click > Merge http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3127/merge01.png
  7. Right-click a zipfile, then click on Properties. What does it say next to Opens With: ?
  8. Looking at your screenshots, it may be that your OS file associations for .zip are screwed up. What OS version are you using? (XP, Vista etc.) ================================================ Re: Downloading It looks like you did it okay previously. So, if you re-do it, yes go back to the plugins forum. If you still have the zips on your Desktop, use them.
  9. When you download choose the Save option. Open them with left-clicking. Windows has built-in zip functionality.
  10. Download the zips to your Desktop or Downloads folder. Open them by left-clicking. If there are any folders inside the zip left-click to open them. Copy/paste the plugin files to the Effects folder. Copy the files only, don't copy the folders.
  11. Most of the plugins are still inside the zipfiles. That won't work.
  12. Please open the Effects folder and post a screenshot showing the folder contents and the folder address bar showing the full path to the folder.
  13. Some of them will be sub-menu items. Effects > Selection Effects > Object etc.
  14. If Paint.NET was open when you put them in, close and re-open Paint.NET.
  15. Right-click > Extract All... This only applies to plugins contained in a zipfile. With a .zip extension, that is. =================================================== I usually don't unzip them. I simply open them by left-clicking and copy/paste the files into the correct folder. Effects or File Types
  16. Hard to say whether you are doing something wrong that might be correctable. The Paint.NET Photoshop filetype plugin doesn't support all functions of a .psd file. ====================================================== If you don't need the file to be in .psd format, save it with a different name as a Paint.NET file. Then we can discuss more easily how to make things work.
  17. That first link seems to be pointing beginners to some basic learning help, such as these: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=12185
  18. You can rename one of the layers if you want to, using Layer Properties. Press F4 on the keyboard.
  19. You can switch between active working layers by clicking on the layers in the Layers window. You can resize objects in a layer by making a Rectangular selection around the objects, then using the Move Selected Pixels tool on a corner adjustment node with the Shift key held down.
  20. Well, the Eraser tool works, anyway. Here's a link to the online Help file. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/index.html Post again with any questions that aren't made clear by the Help documentation.
  21. Paint.net doesn't have layer masks of the Photoshop type. You can make a mask on a separate layer and apply it using the Alpha Mask Import plugin effect. If the people on different layers don't overlap, you can Lasso select around them, invert selection and press Delete. Leave the bottom layer untouched. ==============================================
  22. There are a number of things that could be going wrong here. It's tough to guess. Try this: Open a .jpg image. There should be only one layer showing in the Layers window. Click on the Eraser tool icon, then scribble-erase on the image. Nothing changes? It doesn't erase?
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