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Everything posted by Sarkut

  1. As a work-around you could duplicate your layer, and turn the primary color to alpha on the bottom layer. Use the Grim Color Reaper plugin for that. Then you could use the regular Eraser tool on the top layer. Only the primary color would show as transparent where you erase. Once you have erased what you want to, merge layers.
  2. Another possibility that may (or might not) work, is to do the text in MS Word. Then make a screenshot of the page. Import the screenshot and crop it. Turn the white to alpha using the Grim Color Reaper plugin effect.
  3. Congratulations welshblue and barbieq25 ! And to all who came in third place - olav k.m., sokagirl, j.d. melek, Possum Roadkill, and Sarkut. As soon as I catch up on some details, AOTW #11 will be posted. It should have a familiar look to it. ( If it ain't broke, don't fix it! ) Hopefully the comp will continue on smoothly as it has under Possum Roadkill's guidance. Thanks to all for the expressions of continued support for the AOTW comp.
  4. The trailing anchor point of the Clone Stamp will pick up whatever it crosses over and that will be applied at the stamp point. So, the anchor point and stamp points will need to be reset frequently. All considered, if I had to do a lot of these documents I'd probably opt for using some form of the "pig-and-fence" tutorial method. Personal preference. Whichever way gives the best result and feels most natural for you is the way to go.
  5. Got the latest email. Sounds like we've had a successful Cloning.
  6. Using the Rectangle Select tool, as in your most recent example, is a good idea. It can be used in conjunction with Clone Stamp and makes Clone Stamping without adding a new layer less risky in terms of possible errors. Using a solid color chosen by Color Picker tool is okay if you don't care about retaining the texture. Here's an image with a new set of instructions that should help with getting the Cloning to do what we have been trying for: http://a.imageshack.us/img842/2672/cloneinstructions01.png Open it in Paint.Net, the instructions are on the image.
  7. The way to avoid that problem is to erase a little bit, duplicate layers, move the bottom layer to fill the erased hole, then merge layers. You now have one layer only, that has been partially edited. Repeat the process as often as needed to get the job done. So, do a little. Merge layers. Repeat. =================================== Check PM re: email.
  8. These images show the way: http://a.imageshack.us/img821/7562/croptosize01.png http://a.imageshack.us/img821/7125/croptosize02.png If anything is unclear, just ask.
  9. Yay! . Glad that worked for you. =========================================== Yeah, like I said back here: Previous Post Clone Stamp can drive you bonkers until you figure it out.
  10. aileendarookie, Don't try to open the plugin files. The plugin files need to be installed. There are instructions in the Hidden Content of this post: (Post #847)
  11. The layers are all full canvas sized. You can choose your active layer by clicking on it in the Layers window. Layers Window Tools Window
  12. I have added a simpler way of doing this in the first Hidden Content tag at the end of the tutorial. .
  13. Open the document image in Paint.NET. Erase the date. ============================ Duplicate the layer. Layers > Duplicate Layer (In the top menu) ============================= Click on the bottom layer in the Layers window to highlight it. Click on the top-right icon in the Tools window. (Move Selected Pixels tool) ============================= On the canvas, click and drag to the right. (You'll be moving the bottom layer beneath the visible top layer) You should be able to fill in the erased hole this way.
  14. You can check the version in the top menu: Help > About ================================ I'm going to give you a different way to try. No Clone Stamp. Will post again in 5 - 10 minutes.
  15. Yes. There shouldn't be any need for any erasing at all with this. The clone stamping should be able to cover what is not wanted. Then the text can go on a layer above the clone stamping. Maybe you could make a very small canvas size duplication of your process. If it is small enough, the forum may let you post the .pdn in a zipped container as an attachment. Then I'd have a chance to actually see what you are getting with this.
  16. The anchor point for the clone stamp trails along behind it as you move the mouse. If the anchor point goes into a blue area, like the blue border, it will apply it. That may be what's happening.
  17. Now I'm confused as to what you are working towards. I suspect that you are right, the problem is with the cloning step. Here's another example .pdn file with the blue border and lower date cloned over. Example_PDN_New01zip
  18. Do you mean the very large blue box that runs all around the document border? That is part of the document image on the first layer.
  19. I don't see anything obviously wrong. You may have gotten a corrupt download. Give this a try. Delete all the files in the Effects folder. Clear your browser's cache. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=clear+browser+cache&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq= Download from the Download from box.net link at the top of the first post of this thread: Download to the default location - Desktop or Downloads folder typically. Don't extract the zip. Open it by left-clicking, then copy/paste the .dll files into the Effects folder. Best to do all this with the Paint.NET program closed.
  20. Pls. open your Effects folder and take a full-size screenshot showing the folder contents as well as the full path to the folder in the Windows Explorer address bar. Post the Direct Link URL from imageshack. http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/ http://imageshack.us/
  21. If the "new layer" comes up named Background by default, then you have clicked on the Duplicate Layer icon. The Add New Layer icon is bottom-left in the Layers window. The new layer will be named Layer 2 in this example. The layer that needs to be highlighted at this point is the bottom layer. The layer with the original image that you opened with Paint.NET. Be sure to Ctrl/click in an open expanse of texture. Next, click on the new layer in the Layers window. Now, With Clone Stamp still active, brush over the pre-existing text that you want covered. Flattening isn't part of this problem. It's part of the process of saving as a standard one layer filetype. (PNG, JPEG, etc.) The checkmark determines whether a particular layer is visible. No checkmark, not visible.
  22. In the Paint.NET menu: Utilities > View Plugin Load Errors Pls. post error messages, if there are any.
  23. In the Colors window click the button labeled More >>. Set your Primary color to zero Transparency - Alpha. Click on the Paintbucket icon. In the toolbar in the top header (to the right), click the flask to make it turn empty. This is Overwrite blend mode. You can now dump some transparency.
  24. Okay. I've re-worked the screenshot you sent me to give you an idea of how things should be. In the Layers window, remove the checkmarks from all layers. Then add the checkmarks back one by one working from the bottom up. Watch what happens on the canvas as you do this. Example_PDNZZ01zip
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