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Everything posted by nemo

  1. ahh sorry i thought you were after publishing but you wanted development, blasted scim reading
  2. Ohh you have me intrigued, please keep me posted on that
  3. Thanks Lance, ill have a go at that. I used zoom blur at one point rather than radial, ill give it a go . And ahh i may make a christmas set of pictures, im working on a Halloween set atm :twisted: EDIT: oh here is a little something i whipped up. I made a art nouveau style flower and lowered the transparency to about 24 above a nice deep purple background. I think it gives it a nice stencil feel. Simple but quite nice (im really sorry for those of you who cannot see it because it has turned out fainter than i antisipated)
  4. Youve posted in it before :shock:, there is a section just for plugin publishing here
  5. Heres 2 ribbons i just made, they were influenced after reading this EDIT: whoops, forgot to add the one with a bell -- ill sort out the bell later cause its prety messed up atm
  6. I personally like to leave a positive remark as well as some critisism so not to be rude. I like your planet, very good for your first attempt but i must agree with flip that your 'new thing' is a bit small. I do like the colour variations you used though, perhaps use thicker lines going to smaller to make the lines slightly pointed.
  7. its a color tint, it is actually a blurred red but failed atm
  8. Heres my latest (bad) attempt at water..its all 100% pdn. I am currently trying to remember how the hell i did this but i think it looks quite nice?. If i can think of a easy way to do it ill make a tutorial..if i can get rid of the cloudy background that would make it even better (although i use clouds in the water so this may be tricky) Its in the first stages but im sure ill get there
  9. Really nice wallpaper. I love how it gives that soft feeling so its not too striking
  10. i like the smoke, what method did you use? (there are like 8 that i like ). The second star is quite good but its a bit choppy, try using the feather plugin to sort that out
  11. @Sam: I personally made a curved line then did a transparent gradiant of a slightly lighter shade of colour as a highlight. HELEN is the glossy queen she could probably give you better info than me as i did this as i went along @HELEN: You got me , the flame was my original attempt at water but i stopped at this stage because i thought it looked nice @Welsh & Superferd: Yup the flame is pdn but lighter (obviously) isnt. Ill have to go back and play around in pdn using the techniques again before/if i make a tutorial to get some settings for people to get the best result *scuttles off to pdn*
  12. lol lego joker & that flower is really nice
  13. i love that devil youve made. simple but he looks great. Maybe make and angel too?
  14. Got some nice bits in here, i like your interpretation of Ash's eye tut :wink:
  15. i know the feeling, play around with the curves+ and a few other effects to give a silky style (if i remember off the top of my head)
  16. Thanks, looks kind of like a watery flame, which is good because thats what i was aiming for
  17. haha thanks, i think it turned out quite nicely
  18. all of them , no i think my favourite is the left one. It reminds me a lot of aurora borealis (a possible title forming for it there?). Love the colours
  19. i LOVE it Soka . Great use of DS's tut and it also helps that i am a abnormally avid reader of HP
  20. --Please note this will NOT be on page 1 as i dont think its good enough -- Ok guys so heres something i worked on for a little while this morning, its my first 'official' attempt to make a picture using a photograph so i hope you like it. The lighter was a picture and the flame is 100% pdn, nothing special overall but i think it looks nice when put together?I used blue for the base colour because all fire has a blue inner (especially the more powerful the flame). Here is what i think ill class as the finished piece, im really pleased with it . I know its not exactly a realistic flame but i like this From this: To this:
  21. this is impressive, the larger stars could do with some fine tuning other than that it looks nice
  22. Haha ok and sometimes simple is better :wink:
  23. as HELEN said you can see you are a fast learner, i quite like how you did the star too
  24. Green green grass is very nice and i like your interpretation of Crimsons tutorial
  25. I like your Kanye West and Twilight ones, even though simple they have nice overal effects. I believe the apple in hands picture is based from the second book?. & you should have more confidence in yourself. These forums are all about furthering your knowledge of pdn and getting better
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