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Everything posted by MJW

  1. Perhaps when the angle is less than about 20, you should reverse the direction of the arrows and move them outside the angle. That's what we did back many years ago when I had a drafting class. | | |<------>| | | | | ->|--|<- | |
  2. I know of no way to do this, and doubt there currently is one in PDN. I think it would be difficult to write a plugin. It would have to use a 2D equivalent of string matching. Depending on the use, it might have to find near matches, since sampling can modify a pattern when it's resized or translated. I found some reference to 2D pattern matching, such as Fast Two Dimensional Pattern Matching.
  3. toe_head2001, in the source code, I can't find the implementation of the QuadrilateralTransformation class.
  4. As described ("takes those pixels and flips it or mirrors it and duplicates it"), it sounds impossible. That sounds like the plugin needs to write ouside of the selection, which plugins can't do. I may be misinterpreting the goal of the plugin. If so, I'd appreciate a more precise and detailed description of what the plugin is supposed to do.
  5. It would look pretty pitiful, especially compared to the other, very impressive, entries. I'm still going to try to come up with something; though I can't guarantee I'll be able to. I hope I didn't come off as criticizing the theme, which was not my intention. I was only pointing out that it's rather difficult, which probably accounts for the lack of entries. Also, this is a holiday season, when many (including me) have a lot of distractions.
  6. I do think it's a difficult theme. I've tried to make an entry, but so far, failed. The problem is, there aren't really many ways to produce anime images other than just drawing them. And drawing them requires both artistic ability and a feeling for the style.
  7. I'm perfectly happy to abide by that rule. I sort of prefer it, since if bunches were allowed, I'd probably be tempted to do a bunch, which would be a lot of extra work. Are we allowed to add a leaf or two?
  8. Should it be a single raspberry, or is a group allowed?
  9. Here's an attempt using a different approach. I took Dipstick's version, erased the black part, then pasted a picture of a cushion I found on Google Images underneath. I stretched and rotated the selection till it was in the right position.
  10. I don't think this is easy to do. I can't see any way other than essentially creating an entirely new cushion of the same size and shape. I can't imagine how you could take advantage of any of the current coloration. To create a new cushion, I'd try MKT's Shape3D and pyrochild's Grid Warp. Another approach is to fill the cushion shape with black and paint in the shading (which for a black vinyl surface is basically the shine) by hand. Painting the shading into another layer would allow the density and blending to be adjusted afterward. In either case, make sure to Google (or whatever your preferred search engine) for images of black vinyl cushions. You can see how the shading should look, and even use the color picker to get the correct colors.
  11. Have you tried more than once; that is, closed down PDN and rerun it? The most common causes of something like that are having the wrong layer active, or having a selection (often a tiny one) so the effect doesn't change most of the visible pixels. If you run an effect with a menu, does the menu appear? Also, when you say the plugins don't work, does that include the built-in effects? You say you can't make a picture black and white. The "Black and White" adjustment is built in to PDN, not a plugin.
  12. When you say none of your plugins work, do you mean they no longer show up in the menus? they show up, but when you attempt to select them, they don't run? or they run, but they don't do the correct things? Also, when you say "none," do you mean that literally? That not a single one of the plugins now works? You need to be more specific Speaking of specific, please change the thread title to something more descriptive. You're violating forum rule 6:
  13. Try the Color Clearer. You can also try HSV Eraser, which allows more control but is more complicated (set Portion of Non-Erased Color to Preserve to 1.0).
  14. A variation of Iron67's useful suggestion is: Select the region with the Magic Wand with a tolerance that leaves unselected exceptions. Add a new layer and Fill the selection (with the Primary Color). In some cases, this will be enough. Just select the transparent outside region with the Magic Wand (in Contiguous mode), invert the selection, and switch to the original layer. When that doesn't work, clear the selection and use the Paintbrush to fill in the unselected holes. Then use the Magic Wand to select the colored region. Often it works better to copy the new layer into the Clipboard and use Paste Alpha. It's pretty roundabout, but using the Magic Wand for anything very subtle is like sculpting with a hatchet. Or so it seems to me.
  15. I didn't intend to propose there should be a requirement that entrants explain how they produced their results.
  16. That seems like a good idea for a competition. Perhaps after the competition, participants could discuss how especially novel results were achieved.
  17. For update notes, you can check the thread for the update. For the 4.013 update: Fixed "Missing api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll" error that was being seen on some Windows 7 systems due to partial install or uninstall of Microsoft's Universal C Runtime Fixed the layout for the File->New, Image->Resize, and Image->Canvas Size dialogs in all known situations (various languages, DPI sizes, font configurations) Fixed: Old versions of PSD plugin couldn't load due to removal of PrivateThreadPool Fixed a crash when typing a negative number for a zoom level
  18. I just tried it, and the download worked for me. Try it again. Perhaps there was a temporary network problem.
  19. Once the text from the Text tool is "finished" it's converted to pixels and can't be edited as text. It's only editable while the test cursor is blinking. For any plugin that creates text, the text exists only as pixels after the plugin has been closed.
  20. Congratulations to Maximilian on his charming winning entry, and to the other participants. Though there weren't many entries, I think they were high quality. Thanks to Drew for hosting.
  21. Yes. I realized that just after I posted my original reply and edited my comment.
  22. Isn't just a matter of clicking the little window icon in the lower-right side, left of the scaling slider? EDIT: Actually, that only works when the image need to be scaled down to fit. I don't know of any single-step way to zoom in on a small image.
  23. That's a really good idea, since it would provide a method of seeing the results in the context of the other layers. That's a significant deficiency of most tool-type plugin which bring up a separate window. (I'll once again mention that I wish plugins had read-only access to the other layers.)
  24. I edit my original comment with a better approach. You might give it a try.
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