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Everything posted by MJW

  1. I notice Pixey's link to Art Nouveau examples shows a preponderance of images of lovely young women. Though that was a common theme, there were many others, including peacocks, flowers, and dragonflies. Typical characteristics include sinuous lines and an emphasis on flat, poster-like colors, which was inspired by Japanese woodcuts. Louis Comfort Tiffany is associated with the style.
  2. A method I've used is to use Zoom Blur, placing the zoom center so that the blurring is more or less in the direction the fur grows. Duplicate the image, select the region you want to soften, and apply a small blur to the lower layer. A similar approach is to use Red ochre's FurBlur. If you want to do the a full head or body, you'll need to do it in sections in order to get the added fur to grow in the correct direction.
  3. Thanks. If I get a chance soon, I'll modify the submenu it's in.
  4. If the source code is available, I wish this could be moved to the Render submenu. EDIT: I see that the head post says that's where it is, but it actually seems to be under the main Effects menu.
  5. Right click the PhotoBucket image, and select Copy Image from the drop-down menu. Then in Paint.net, select "Edit>Paste into New Image", or use the keyboard short cut, Ctrl+Alt+V.
  6. I selected the outside region using the Magic Wand with a tolerance of 10 and inverted the selection. I then used the Lasso to add an extra pixel that was missing. It worked surprisingly well, considering how close the colors are.
  7. Maximilian, I added the icon at the bottom of the opening comment. I remember the problem with CodeLab (sometimes?) thinking non-integer defaults meant it was an angle control, but I don't remember if there was a work-around. I thought there were versions of CodeLab that worked with older versions of PDN that didn't have that bug.
  8. I response to a CodeLab plugin I posted, ReMake suggested it would be better for double-slider step size to track the precision, so clicking the arrows always changes the low digit. I agree. Though it's always possible to type in the full-precision value, that isn't convenient for making fine adjustments. There may be cases when it makes sense to use some other step size, but if there can only be one choice, I think it should be to increment and decrement the low digit by one.
  9. I know how to do it in VS, but for simplicity, this was written using CodeLab.
  10. ReMake, I agree with you, but for CodeLab plugins, it can't be changed. You'll have to talk to BoltBait about that. I have ideas for a few additional features for this plugin. If I add them, I'll make this a VS plugin.
  11. You're welcome, Eli. I'll do my best to officially publish the various plugins I posted to other threads.
  12. Black and White+ is a simple plugin to convert an image to black and white. The primary additional option (that may or may not merit the "+") is the ability to specify the weights for each color channel. It's in the Adjustment menu. The plugin: The Help Menu description: Black and White+ converts a color image to a grayscale (or two-color) image. The controls are: Red Weight: The weight for the red channel when converting from color to brightness. Green Weight: The weight for the green channel when converting from color to brightness. Blue Weight: The weight for the blue channel when converting from color to brightness. Minimum-Channel Weight: The weight for the minimum channel when converting from color to brightness. Maximum-Channel Weight: The weight for the maximum channel when converting from color to brightness. Normalize Weights: When enabled, the weights will be divided by their sum so that the total weight is one. (Note: If only a single channel is non-zero, normalizing the weights will cause it to always have a weight of one.) Brightness: Increases or decreases the brightness. MIdpoint Adjustment: Increases or decreases the brightness of the center values while not affecting the lowest and highest values. Use Primary Color and Secondary Color: When enabled, the brightness will be used to interpolate between the Primary Color and the Secondary Color instead of black and white. Show Original Image: When enabled, the unmodified image will be displayed. The CodeLab code: The icon: Maximilian has a 3.5.11 version. EDIT (6/17/2018): Version 1.1. Added controls for min and max color channels. EDIT (6/18/2018): Version 1.1.6744.2631. Corrected website URL. BlackAndWhite+.zip
  13. You might try pyrochild's Grid Warp. It doesn't do quite what you want, but it may be close enough, depending on what you're trying to achieve. A similar (but different) plugin is TechnoRobbo's FreeWarp.
  14. Perhaps I don't understand what's going on, but in my VS projects, the help menu file always takes a name like Properties.Resources.Help, where the resource in the project is called Help. Likewise, the icon is Properties.Resources.Icon. They're defined (automatically by VS) in Properties>Resources.Designer.cs in code like, internal static string Help { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("Help", resourceCulture); }
  15. As far as I can see, Ixolus is correct. Quadrilateral Correction undoes a perspective distortion, while what's needed is something to add a perspective distortion. Specifically, the nubs in Quadrilateral Correction specify the source region to transform, not the destination into which the image will be transformed.
  16. You might want to try Perspective Transformation.
  17. PaxonJollock though you should have an image in the clipboard while writing the plugin, your code needs to handle the case when there isn't an image in the clipboard. You don't want it crashing if someone forgets to load an image before running it.
  18. Congratulations to Woodsy for his most worthy winning entry, and to Pixey for her excellent entry. As far as my entry, I thought it was a good use of shading, with nice specular highlights, but it didn't look sufficiently like a raspberry.
  19. That's really pretty, Eli! Very Impressionistic.
  20. Average Object Color averages the colors of objects. It was somewhat inspired by the SOTW mosaic theme (even though I currently don't plan to use it for my entry). It's in the Object submenu. The plugin: Average Object Color.zip The UI is very simple: The (also simple) Help Menu describes it as follows. ------------------------------ Average Object Color recolors each object to its average color. (An object is a connected group of non-transparent pixels surrounded by transparent pixels.) The average is weighted by the opacity of the pixels. When there is a selection, only the selected pixels are included in the average. The control is: Use Gamma Adjustment: When enabled, the square root of the average of the squared color components is used. The gamma-adjusted version is generally lighter. ------------------------------ If a solid image is desired, the Edge Expander can be used to fill in the transparent regions after averaging. (Note: make sure the objects are separated by completely transparent pixels. The first time I posted the example below, the colors of the averaged version were wrong. Some of the hexagon cells were not treated as separate objects because they were bridged by nearly, but not completely, transparent pixels. I used Red ochre's Transparency>Alphathreshold to fix the problem.) Here is an example: Original image: Image with hexagonal transparent grid added. The grid was added by using MadJik's Hexagonal Grid to produce a black-and-white grid in another layer, copying it to the clipboard, and using BoltBait's Paste Alpha plugin to modify the alpha of the flower layer. Because the lines between the cells are quite thin, apparently the alpha didn't go to 0 between some of the cells, causing some groups of cells to be treated as single cells. I solved this by using Red ochre's Alphathreshold to make some almost-transparent pixels transparent. I also could have selected the lines of the hex grid with the Magic Wand, switched to the flower layer, then used Erase Selection. I usually prefer to use Paste Alpha because I think it produces nicer edges. Averaged version:
  21. Congratulations to Pixey on a very original and well-done entry. Congratulations to Scooter and the other entrants, as well. There may not have been many entries, but they were impressive. (I especially liked Maximilian's tiger sig.)
  22. I'm very sorry to hear you lost your mother, Drew.
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