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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. A matter of opinion that I cannot agree with. Have you actually read through the online documentation?
  2. Hi qaqa, welcome to the forum. You mean the symbols? Yes you can using the text tool. It will take some fancy manipulation to get everything to line up. You might be best to write the characters to a separate layer then move them about the layer with the Move tool For help with the lettering/symbols have a look at my WhichSymbol+ plugin (link in my signature) or cut and paste them in from Word (Insert > Symbol) if you can't find them in a standard font.
  3. Faster: Hit PrtScrn then Ctrl + Alt + V (Pastes the clipboard straight into a newly created image the same size)
  4. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19817-water-mark-programme/page__p__334009#entry334009 You'll have to watermark each image individually.
  5. Hey baker987 - Welcome! You need to remove the white background first. Magic wand it and press delete or install a plugin like AlphaSpace or Grim Color Reaper. Next you need to add a layer :AddNewLayer: and move it below the first layer :MoveLayerDown: Activate this layer by clicking on it in the Layers window. Set your colors to the default Black & White (there's a black & white icon in the Color window that does this). Select the gradient tool and click on the Radial gradient type in the toolbar. Right click in the centre of the watch (object) and drag outwards with the right mouse button held down. You''ll need to flatten and save the image. I recommend first saving as a *.pdn so the layers are preserved.
  6. It's not cloning. Stretching. Far more fun! As you have probably found you can copy & paste using the selection tools. This is probably a good solution where the bits are regular oblique shapes. The clone stamp surpasses when you have irregular shapes to copy or delete.
  7. 1. Open your image. 2. Activate the Rectangle Select Tool 3. Select most of the box you need to expand. Don't select the edges that should remain where they are (see panel 2 below where the top edge of the box is not selected). 4. Activate Move Tool (click the icon in the Tools window or press M) 5. Drag the selection nubs to resize the box (see panel 3 where the box has been stretched out)
  8. My point was that excepting Irfanview (see Midora's post quoted below) no other application will recognize the .PDN extension. Thanks for the update Midora. Nice to know.
  9. Remember that no other application will recognize the .pdn extension. That one is particular to Paint.NET.
  10. Have you tried Rick suggestion of renaming to a pdn? In the first screenshot, right click on the file and choose Rename from the context sensitive menu. Type in a new filename complete with the .pdn extension. Then try opening it with Paint.NET.
  11. Big blue word "Download" under the pictures in the first post (link takes you to the authors plugin pack).
  12. As mentioned previously, it might just be a lack of a proper file extension. Search your hard drive for the filename WITHOUT any extension. If you find something post a screenshot of the location (showing the file - obviously).
  13. You didn't save it to a USB drive then remove it? If you can locate the file then upload the file to a server (like Photobucket or ImageShack) and post the link here. There is a slim change someone can work some magic on it - just don't hold your breath.
  14. Read up on the moire effect (Google or Bing). I'm reasonably confident that the effect is being created by the apps attempt to resize the texture. Try a coarser texture to see what happens.
  15. Try using the speech bubble plugin: Speech Bubble Scratch that idea. The plugin doesn't clip the text to the bubble.
  16. This is commonly referred to as a moiré effect. In your case it is probably to do with the way you created your texture then resized it. I tried a number of methods of reducing the effect. The best results I got was to use: Effects | Blur | Surface Blur with settings 6 and 21. This too will reduce a lot of the detail. Edited your post to replace the image with a link. This is in accordance with Rule #29
  17. You need an Admin to grant the necessary privileges. Try sending a PM to Pyrochild.
  18. July Update Two new effects this month InputToOutput+ - @Xarx Sets one image channel (RGBA) from another channel or from other basic pixel characteristic (CMYK component, HSV component, luminance, etc,) Selection2clear - @Red ochre Makes the selection transparent, whilst leaving the selection active. Kindle version has been updated on my website (download uncompressed .MOBI file). Kindle Edition: Click Here
  19. You're in the correct place Asuka There have been a few tutorials on th subject of adding a glow to text. Try this link to the custom Paint.NET search: http://searchpaint.net/ The two keywords: glow and text should give you some tutorials to have a look at.
  20. Blurring is a mathematical function. Clever people can reconstruct the image. I heartily recommend you don't just blur sensitive data to stop viewers seeing it. Instead, remove the sensitive bits completely then replace with garbage - then blur it
  21. Or click the double-box icon (right next to the red X in that title bar). It looks a bit like this: :Xor:
  22. Just drag the control nubs a small distance apart to make the gradient narrower. You might also like this: Multi Color Gradient. With it you can move the placement of the colors around.
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