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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Work is progressing on a tool which will help users locate third party effects and adjustments. Be patient 1. Nice idea. I recently suggested a list of the recently used effects be added to the top of the Effects menu (kind of like the Recently Opened Files in the File menu).
  2. 1. I'd go with this. I think this is the behavior most users anticipate. 2 & 3. Why white or any color? Why not 0,0,0,0? I'm sure there is a good reason & would like to know what it is.
  3. Hi Danny! Let's see if we can help you. You need to make your canvas... 4 1/2 x 300 = 1350 pixels wide 11/16 x 300 = 206 pixels high Print it at 300 DPI using this plugin Print It. Installation instructions are given along with the plugin. Good luck!
  4. Hide tags work exactly the same way. Enclose the word hide in square brackets preceding your text, /hide at the end also in square brackets [hide]Some hidden text[/hide]does this Hidden Content: Some hidden text you can also do this [hide="the reason it's hidden!"]Some hidden text[/hide] Hidden Content: the reason it's hidden! Some hidden text
  5. Please post your system specs here (Settings > Diagnostics) so the developer (Rick) can build a picture of which systems are problematic.
  6. Nice job NN! Some of those land masses have a very fractal like edge. Wonderful. Like the colors too. Looks almost like a marble (the glass toy kind). Thank you for posting your creation.
  7. Thanks Sand33p. That kind of reaction is always a buzz for me. Feel free to post images you've created with Planetoid. I'm sure there are ways of using this plugin that TR & I did not anticipate when we wrote it
  8. As that worked for you, please post the contents of the Settings > Diagnosics tab here so the Developer can view your system details.
  9. 1. @Simon Brown's Custom Brushes 2. @dpy's Rotate Text 3. Paint.NET has over 800 plugins and effects. Find a list of third party plugins here Plugin Index
  10. You cannot make a circular image. They are always rectangular You can make it appear circular though. What you'll need to do is crop to the circular size then erase the white corners. Use the Magic Wand + delete key. Note: When you do this the corners will have a grey white checkerboard pattern. This denotes transparency. You'll need to save your image in a format which supports transparency i.e. PNG not JPG. Edit: Beaten by Barbieq25 Second edit: Returned to edit the thread title so it is descriptive & in keeping with the forum rules.
  11. Wow! BuzzKill. There's a name you don't see much nowadays. Nice to have you back and to see that sig again
  12. What you're seeing is the image rendering lag. When you pause the tiling catches up and displays the image correctly. What can you do? 1. move your mouse more slowly - I'M JOKING 2. Try disabling Hardware Acceleration ( = Settings > User Interface ). If this works for you - please copy the contents of the Settings > Diagnostics tab into this thread so we can see what your setup is.
  13. It's almost like the dialog coordinates are screwed up. It's a wild guess - is there some sort of High DPI / pixel density setting in Win8 you can toggle? I bet you have it set to higher than 96ppi and VS can't handle it.
  14. Very cool Thanks BoltBait! I'll remove it right now from the list.
  15. 7. Use F5, F6, F7 & F8 1. I think the cog icon is fairly universally accepted as the settings/options icon. Its just a little different, not impossible to get your head around. 5. Always put text on its own layer. Then you can move the layer.
  16. Since this tutorial was written, Red Ochre has created this plugin Composition Tool. Its ideal for cropping and realizing photos using set ratios and includes guides for the 'rule of thirds'.
  17. Yeah but you're incredibly busing doing important stuff, at McDonald's. Thanks for looking into gradient.DLL. You've got some fans who want it back
  18. Something is strange with your VS setup. I'm pretty sure this is nothing to do with pdn4 as myself and quite a number of other authors have been building plugins for 4.0 without encountering this issue. Can you post a screenshot?
  19. The source is posted in the thread with the DLL, so it is very likely someone will recompile it. I may get time myself later today.
  20. Johan, if you ask this question in the Plugin Developers section I'm sure you will find someone willing to help remove the dependency. I'm not sure what environment you're using, but I can recommend the new version of CodeLab!
  21. Try these Perspective Effect Camera Lens Distortion Effect
  22. Layer Saver is not a plugin, its an exe. It shouldn't matter where it is located. I'll look into this later today.
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