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Andrew D

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Everything posted by Andrew D

  1. Well, it would be impossible for a virus code to be written into a picture, so it would probably would have been a virus disguised as a picture. Where did you get the picture from? I wouldn't think saving pictures from PDN would go on a duplicating spree, though.
  2. I think he meant my europhia wallpaper, TC And also, nice pic.
  3. http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4464 ... perij0.jpg A wallpaper I made.
  4. A Endorphin Boxart Wallpaper! All stock images from the NM site, though the boxart I had to make myself.
  5. And it's giving my broadband trouble aswell. Anyways, I'd just look around dA for tutorials (there are tons of them) and try and convert them for PDN.
  6. There is a plug-in called "Scan Lines" in the plug-in section, that should solve your problem.
  7. Can you show us the pic your trying to do this with?
  8. This is an artwork I done for the Endorphin Masters Guide, which I am part doing, as you can tell from my name being on it. The background I used was a touched up version of one of Dark Matter's (also doing part of thi guide) abstract arts, which you can find at his dA account
  9. If you were talking to me, thanks. I might do a tutorial on it.
  10. A Northern Lights pic I've done. Also for use as a background.
  11. For some reason I can't download the .zip, can anyone put it up on a mirror link?
  12. But there's no point, and it'll only end up in the back of your Recycle Bin. Although I can, I will when I have to, which is usually when a friend wants something done.
  13. Nothing like good old self-advertising.Though, can't you, seeing how you are a moderator.
  14. True. There should proberly be a mixture of n00b friendly ones and then also more complicated ones, just so all users can use them.
  15. Well, I think that Stickied threads should be revelant to most people on the forum, like as mine on the NM forums helps users with starting in endorphin by showing all the packs available for it, so really, the tutorials should be the same, the most revelant ones being the most important, meaning they should be stickied. Not as in something you can do in a few certain pieces, but as things which you can use in anything if needed.
  16. Now this is a hell of a good tutorial.
  17. Now this is a hell of a good tutorial.
  18. Welcome to the Paint.NET forums, the most peaceful forum there is!
  19. And also, some of them are useful, like TC's cutting out images from complicated backgrounds , but who wants to make a toy car?
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