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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. Ensure that antialiasing is enabled. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/LineCurveTool.html#10
  2. I don't think there's a lack of interest; it's just a very difficult object. Lots of textures and what not. The last last two rounds (Kitchen Knife and Vase) had plenty of entries; especially Vase. I think a little more discretion just needs to be used when setting the object. Don't be afraid to say no to an object; just be nice about it. I had to do it a few times when I was the host. Objects with simple geometric shapes tend to receive more entries. Compare Pencil to High Heel. My two cents.
  3. Adding support for the Dark Theme is very easy, and only takes a few minutes. The first step is to set the UseAppThemeColors property in your EffectConfigDialog to true. This can be done using the Properties pane in Visual Studio: This will automatically set the ForeColor and BackColor of your Form based on the active PDN theme, and most of the child controls will simply inherit those color values. There are some special cases though. For Buttons (ex: OK, Cancel), you'll want to set their FlatStyle property to FlatStyle.System. For TextBoxes and NumericUpDowns, you'll need to set the colors manually. For example: myTextBox.ForeColor = this.ForeColor; myTextBox.BackColor = this.BackColor; or if you have many in your form, you may want to use a foreach loop: public MyConfigDialog() { InitializeComponent(); foreach (Control control in this.Controls) { if (control is TextBox || control is NumericUpDown) { control.ForeColor = this.ForeColor; control.BackColor = this.BackColor; } } }
  4. Version 2.9 posted. I've added support for the Dark Theme.
  5. @SwankyDoodleSandy, the link to the tutorial seems to working fine for me. What exactly is the issue? What do you see?
  6. Version 1.5 posted. I've added support for the Dark Theme.
  7. Version 1.5 posted. I've added support for the Dark Theme, and moved it to the 'Texture' menu.
  8. Version 1.2 posted. I've added support for the Dark Theme, and moved it to the 'Tools' menu. Feel free to enlarge the canvas before running the plugin. I think that's the simplest solution.
  9. Do you use any software utilities that might clear MRUs from different programs? For example: BleachBit, CCleaner, ect. You can proceed by setting a default email program in the Windows Settings, or simply save the email address in your email contacts.
  10. Sounds like you have Chrome set as the default email program in Windows. Weird. Go into the Windows Settings, and change it to an actual email program (assuming you use one, and not a webmail) Do any of the setting of paint.net also get reset to their defaults? That is, if you had previous changed them.
  11. No, once you cast your vote(s), you can't change/add votes. Sorry if you only selected one, but meant to select a few others too.
  12. Version posted. Just a few bugfixes. See first post.
  13. Try installing the .NET Framework beforehand. https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/thank-you/net472
  14. I suggest you create a macro with AutoHotKey, or a similar program.
  15. Hello, can you please try installing the .NET Framework beforehand, and see if that makes a difference? Sometimes the bundled installer fails. You can download it here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/thank-you/net472 Then try to install paint.net afterwards.
  16. That would be a very easy plugin to create. I may post some code later today or tomorrow. In the mean time, you could check out the Ruler plugin.
  17. Ok, so are you're saying the installation process didn't complete, or what? Please provide us with some details.
  18. The tooltip doesn't reflect it, but the Esc key does in fact work as a way to finish the Text tool.
  19. You can use BoltBait's Vignette+ plugin; it allows you to set the Vignette color to white.
  20. Somehow your paint.net installation became broken. You can use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Afterwards, you can install paint.net anew.
  21. Those are not transparent pixels; they are blended pixels. Therefore, adjusting the opacity will not solve your issue. (I've edited the title of this topic to reflect it's about blending) One way you can reduce the colors in the image with the Selective Palette plugin.
  22. Yes, you are correct. It uses an APPX package, but those only work on Windows 10.
  23. Hmm, 'SetupNgen.exe' is failing. We've seen this issue before, but I don't think we ever found a reason for the failure, or a solution.
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