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Everything posted by Pixey

  1. A simple way could be achieved like this. 1. Upload your image - resize if necessary. 2. Go to Effects - Photo - Soften Portrait. On the example I use, I pushed the knobs all the way to the right. 3. Then go to Adjustments - Hue/Saturation and play with the sliders.
  2. Please read this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18128-photoshop-psd-file-plugin-newest-version-200/
  3. This is where I suggested you look for the 'Repair' in the Paint.net Program Files:
  4. Ahhh - yes, so much easier doing the above steps than the tutorial. I too had forgotten about that plugin. You could also add a white border on a new layer and change the mode to get an interesting contrast. I used 'difference' to get this: Difference Plain
  5. Hello and Welcome. Perhaps this tutorial may be of help ....... just make the rectangle/square fit more closely over the image: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/107031-glass-pane-newer-edition/
  6. Have you tried OS/Program Files/Paint.net/Pdn Repair ?
  7. Just like to say a big thank you to @Drew, in advance, for hosting ............ especially this week as it was a bumper crop and probably a pain to upload so many images. Thanks a million and here's to you
  8. Love the note book pages - what a great idea. Also ....... the swirls are just gorgeous - they really 'pop' out of the page .
  9. It seems only fitting that TS should appear in TR's 3rd D comp .
  10. You are most welcome. A few points about flattening. 1. If you save to .pdn then you save the layers, in the last order you had them, and can use them again at a later date. 2. If you flatten and save to jpeg, png, etc.... then no layers are saved. 3. If you save to png, you retain the transparency of the layer.
  11. Thank you - but I'm eating the goodies too ...........
  12. Hello and Welcome. You have to "Flatten" all the layers and "Save To" (and choose which format .... i.e. jpeg, .png, etc) to see the end product. Here is a little explanation of the layers and how they work: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
  13. I don't think you quite understand what you may have downloaded from that site. Please read this. No, there is NO official site for older versions. And ...... yes, lots of people do what you've done and then wonder why paint.net doesn't work. You should take this seriously.
  14. Oh dear - you downloaded it from the wrong place . You had better run a virus check on your computer right away .
  15. Some really cool results on here . Such fun with this ............ promise I'll stop for a bit after this one .
  16. Hmmm ..... sounds like your computer perhaps? You don't say what OS you have. There are still some old versions available, but will not be supported on this forum. Do be careful when downloading from any other site than here. I think FileHippo is safe ...... but check it out carefully before you do: http://filehippo.com/download_paint.net/15781/
  17. Oh I love it - what a beautiful bird and even the nails have bling . I went back and noticed the cage ........... lovely outcome as well. Me thinks you like birds .
  18. Indeed - thank you for this very interesting plugin . So many ways to try this ......... as I am now doing. Is that you in the examples - with icing sugar all over your face .
  19. Hellow @kml and Welcome . Whilst this is not exactly a brush, it may give you an idea of how people use PDN to make things: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28498-how-to-make-a-pencil/
  20. Oh My ...... that is just gorgeous @Lynster . I'll bet @seerose likes the flower Emblem you chose .
  21. Wow! @Seerose and @Limon - what beautiful bottles ..... I feel like I'm in a Boudoir Thanks so much for posting your results .
  22. Wow - those buildings are amazing. Love your Pink Bottle - I know it will smell wonderful too .
  23. 'Tis funny about making Gold in PDN. Here is where the word 'size' makes such a difference. Somethings look great by doing one method, but doesn't work on another. I also sometimes use the Alpha-Displacement method (I used this on the bling bracelet) but again, it all depends on what you are making. Your way is great for the finer stuff and I particulary like it in delicate text . @Seerose - glad you liked the tute .
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