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Everything posted by oma

  1. nicely done for only using this program for a few weeks. I certainly look forward to watching how your gallery art progresses. ciao OMA
  2. brilliantly done! And to think it all started out as a little challenge. Moon Dance is like music made for the eyes to see. this is special. ciao OMA
  3. oma

    Oma's gallery

    got a little sidetracked in my Myth and Magic picture. 26406 100 % paint.net no stocks. ciao OMA
  4. welcome to the forum. very nice work so far. Maybe a bit dark but that's just my personal opinion. Is blue your favourite color? look forward to seeing how you progress. ciao OMA
  5. no rush its not a major need ,just thought it would be a nice option. I've a few things perking away in the back of my noodle that I might experiment with if there was a tilt or rotational feature. ciao OMa
  6. I really like this plugin. BoltBait is there any way to have a tilt option for the horizon line? sometimes the horizon just isn't smack dab across the screen in straight line. the work around I've been using is larger canvas and rotating the image then applying plugin then re righting the picture. not absolutlely ideal. but only way I can think to do this. is there another method I'm not thinking of? ciao OMA
  7. make one frame with centre portion transparent. the plugin by madjik for frames gives nice options with centre portion transparent. next add a layer and place company logo (which should be a .png image) any text etc. flatten save it as a .png image open your photo use layers import and add the frame you just made. flatten and save as .jpg or .png or what ever format you require.
  8. hope you did the spray on separate layer. after you select like this then you just delete the enclosed section of your spray. if I've read it backwards by some chance let me know. or better yet here is the page of the help file that tells all the ways to use select tool. you may as well try them out. they are invaluable tools built right into the program. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/S ... Tools.html ciao OMA
  9. Very nicely done chad. Now that we've traded a few PM's I think you can see the oval shape required to draw the fish, so next time around you will likely not even need to trace it out. But as the exercise was to develop using textures in your images for realism you've done A++. great work. keep on practising those drawing skills. :wink: ciao OMA
  10. I like that heart! It must be coming up on valentines day soon. I wonder who the lucky person is that receives this valentine from Soka. although I'm not sure about snake skin hearts. That sounds rather off putting. excellent experiment.! ciao OMA
  11. if you have your layers window open look and see that you are not typing on a layer under the pictures. also one of the things that threw me at first if my image pasting in was smaller than the total size of the canvas was paste kept and active selection you have to deselect or else you can not type outside the box of your picture. if that's not what is the problem let us know if you can provide a screen shot at the time of the problem we may be able to pick out any other little thing that could be effecting this. ciao OMA
  12. very nice gallery! I especially like your desktop themes. ciao OMA
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Sokagirl yes it is still an open canvas. so many things to pick from to add, I'm not absolutly sure what will make the final cut. @AFG so you felt someone looking at you Oh that's how I feel sometimes I'm sure you PDN Fanatics have a hidden camera in my computor room watching all my paint.net moves over my shoulder. . @Welshblue, yes there is a face in there. Think it will likely get redone a bit more grim and a tad bigger, if I feel like it at the end after all the other work is complete. There was a skull like image in the sky but I've mucked around with the clouds so much I'll have to re add that again at the end. I'm not sure if the wip show it or if I managed to cover it . anyways it will come back near the end if there is room. @Possum Roadkill are you trying to trick me into drawing a possum? not a chance, I'm going to tackle that one. @Briamoth, thanks you, you know there was a time when I couldn't draw a stick if I had to. And it wasn't all that long ago. I made it my goal to learn, and read every book the local library had on drawing and painting. The best books I've found so far for beginners are by Jack Hamm. I took them out at the library so often, my family finally bought me my own for a gift. If you give this info to the librarian I'm sure they can bring in this book for you thru interlibrary loan. "How to draw Animals by Jack Hamm ISBN 0-399-50802-3" you will really like it I'm sure. Maybe you might even go buy yourself this book 0(-.-)0 I told you it was a myth and magic inspiration. Its inspired by John Howe's art. He often has little images hidden away. ----------------------- I've redone the grass section as previous version of grass and boulders wasn't looking correct. It wasn't leaving me enough area for the stone bridge I wanted Took a bit rethinking that section. I had to learn how to draw a bridge. Very time consuming piling up all them rocks so have added new image of the work in progress on pg 79 ... now I'm off to work on the next additions. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Helen yes a unicorn would be lovely in this ....but its not on my list for this image. I'll be working away in the background on some other little bits and pieces. (separate pdn's) that will end up in this image. @AFG I actually looked for a good image of the Scottish Red Deer but couldn't find anything big enough for my eyes to really focus on. So I did 1/2 white tail deer and the semi colors of the red deer. It was the rack that took me forever to find in an image. I'm sure the ladies at the library thought I'd gone daft with having them bring in all the past volumn of the Field and Stream magazine. I knew I'd seen one buck with the perfect pose previously. @Barbieq yes I get inspiration from all around me. often books and art shows really get my creative juices going. Quite often songs will really hit a cord. Especially if I'm home alone and just rocking and singing at the top of my off tune little squeaky voice. @Chad hope its going to turn out. Would be a real bad thing to name it an inspiration of John Howe art and I don't do the man's genuis justice. I knew he was involved in The Lord of the Rings cinematic production, but all the book covers Wow! I hadn't realized he had done the covers for Garry Kilworth books, you may have read some "The Welkin Weasels Thunder Oak" and the Welkin Weasels Windjammer run" One of my favourite covers is on the David Gemmell book "Sword in the Storm" That bear and the knight are so beautiful. @Hi Bjarni, welcome to my gallery. I just added another wip picture. so you can see a little bit more has been done. much much more to finish. As I said to Helen above there are now new separate pdn's started for little bits and pieces for adding down the road. I tend to work on several items at the same time. @Ryberg360 thanks you I'm glad you stopped by for a visit. You come by anytime there is usually something on the go here. @0(-.-)0 WIP is work in progress. and this ones a doozy ciao OMA PS wip picture 7 added pg 79
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Last Fall I picked up a book at the library. "Myth and Magic The Art of John Howe" I'll give you all the ISBN # so you can ask at the library. It is a truly awesome book. Should be a must read if you like fantasy art. The colored illustrations alone are worth the trip to the library. ISBN 0 00 710795 1 My second picture goal for this year was to do something influenced by that book. There is no way on earth I will ever come close but I loved the way John does clouds and the little images within images. So that's the goal. Something fantasy. Now if any one doesn't know who John Howe is here is a link to wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Howe Start of new picture. Should be a good month till completion. wip7 26195 wip8 26320 EDIT Jan 16 2010 well I certainly did not like the direction that grass and boulders were heading. redone newer grass area still much work to do but this looks more the way I intended it to go. The mountians are looking nice and frosty. I like the way they look 26342 now some fancy figuring out required next step. ciao OMA
  16. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks you Barbieq I'm glad to finish this one. just have to reload the proper version now and all complete 0(-.-)0 Oh you have a hard name for me to type. My poor old fingers are just about going crosswise thanks you so much. And if your brother thought it was a photo I'm thrilled then I managed to get it looking proper. Yes I think it was a successful personal test. lets hope the next images I do are near as good. ciao OMA
  17. you are welcome I've been there and done that quite often. welcome to the forum. look forward to viewing some of your paint.net art. ciao OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    someone on DA advised me I'd not done the antlers for stray pixels. I really did do them but see I've added the incorect upload. so I'll have to swap that out later today with the final I have on pg 77. ?? too many pdn files going I guess. @ Soaka girl thanks you, yes deers are so sweet. just as you are. It would be nice to have it in the Galleria, especially since its such an improvement on the last one I drew. that one was like a wild dog in drag. @Helen, now being given such a high grade does wonders for my ego. as if my head isnt' swollen enough. But to be recognized by someone that has such great drawing skills I am honored. As you are aware most of what I draw I am self taught at so its very satisfying to have others acknowledge the hard work I put into learning about drawing is starting to pay off. thanks again my wonderful friend. @Gigabyte why thanks you. Yes Deer and Bucks are one of God's most beautiful creatures, I couldn't agree with you more. @Chad oh way to go Clhad, now I'm on the spot I'm just hoping now all the next images are not total flops or 2010 will be my year to crash. Thanks for being their buddy, your support in my gallery really helps me tackle those hard images. @EscapistAngel Thanks you. I certainly hope this is a great 2010 for art on the forum. I've not only seen improvement in my own art but the forum as a whole seems to have stepped up a pace on fine pieces. That really makes it a real pleasure to be a part of this artistic community. @Goonfella thanks you Sir, I do feel this one is a breakthru piece for me. I had been having the hardest time getting smoother looking short fur. I could get the long fur but short just seemed so blotchy and patchy before. I explored really outside the box on this one and it paid off. Thanks for your continued support it realy means a lot. ciao OMA
  19. if you have your layers window open look and see that you are not typing on a layer under the pictures. also one of the things that threw me at first if my image pasting in was smaller than the total size of the canvas was paste kept and active selection you have to deselect or else you can not type outside the box of your picture. if that's not what is the problem let us know if you can provide a screen shot at the time of the problem we may be able to pick out any other little thing that could be effecting this. ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @AFG I wondered if anyone would get the ref. to 12 points ciao OMA
  21. I dropped by for a cup of tea and a cookie , but no one was home. I'll come by at a later date and see what new work you add. ciao OMA
  22. like Possum I thank you for the info. the picture helped a lot. ciao OMA
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Final version of deer "Velvet Buck" now added. thanks all for watching this one come from blank canvas to completion. It was challenge. ciao OMA
  24. Goonfella lovely planet I've left message in your gallery. 0(-.-)0 as Possum said that's a great looking planet. Add the clouds and you've got a winner. here is my final version of the deer see pg 77 for wip shots and the larger size. also in about 5 mins the revised will be on my DA if you wish to look at it therel.
  25. very nicely done! I like that background texture you used. thanks for trying this tut. ciao OMA
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