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Everything posted by oma

  1. http://www.sandaleo.com/pantone.asp conversion chart on web ciao OMA
  2. couple of cliks I use that method all the time. what's it take all of 3 or 4 seconds max. don't really think it is plugin worthy. I definetly would not code a plug in for something so simple. besides by the time you hit effects found the plugin and hit the button you could have done the shortcuts Rick outlined above and been on to the next step in your picture. ciao OMA
  3. sounds like image flatten copy unflatten and edit paste in new layer.
  4. something like these? a quick look at what you have done and what you want to acheive will likely produce better answer. viewtopic.php?f=37&t=30277&p=266918&hilit=circular+text#p266918 viewtopic.php?f=12&t=23138
  5. thanks you Sokagirl not sure what you mean by invert colors? do you mean invent? I didn't invent any colors I choise colors that just appeal to me. I think of words and shapes as vibrations in color. Just ideas come into my imagination and what feels like it gives good vibes gives good pictures and expression to what I am feeling at the moment. not too much black in my world :wink: I'm a pretty upbeat person, I love colors, I love life. I love to be able to express with a sense of movement and sway in my artwork. if I close my eyes and say words what they look like behind my eyelids usually ends up on the screen. does that make sense? I look at people and objects and see aura's around them. Same with words, I see words as colors and shapes. the word Luster ..is shiny and pink and blue. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @onemorelevel I'm sure you are just joking.... there is just toooooooooooooooooooooooo much going on in this one for a tut. :wink: :wink: :wink: @theonlychad no polartransformation think what have I said I almost 99% of the time use. Hidden Content: hint the answer to that question is Polarinversion ck you PM's just remember where you learned it. ciao OMA
  7. I like shades of blue very much Chad. here is something to try. before you do the droste do an inside out and then and inside out again then droste. I'm sure you will very pleased with the smother droste effect. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you on the comments on my abstracts here is another Shades of Luster 22650
  9. @Superferd great use of gravity. its a plugin few use. I'm glad you found how it can come close to looking like polarinversion. wasn't too sure if that was what you had used so just wanted to recheck. great job. would like that picture if it was a bit more complex color wise. @Frontcannon, it is a nice image ....well what I can see of it. maybe a tad too dark. you've spent time on doing the image too bad we can not see it all. My first thought when I see such dark images is that the person is unsure of their skills and is trying to hide things in the black areas. Your skills are good so you don't need to disguise things. Lighten it up some. LOL! here is one I did lately Shades of luster large version in my gallery. ciao OMA
  10. lovely gallery it has been just such a pleasure to see all your work evolve over the short time you've had this gallery. still my fave is this one there is just something about this one that really is soothing to look at. ciao OMA
  11. really no polarinversion. explain how this was done it looks quite interesting . that centre portion looks almost exactly like a polarinversion. :wink:
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you Darkshock and Helen for the nice words. since you were so nice I decided to share another abstract. sweet words in my galley brings pretty images to my mind. :wink: "Sometimes Life is as Sweet as Honey and Silky Smooth" 22578
  13. interesting use of polarinversion here is one that has some advanced polarinversion large size is in my gallery page 64 it is called "Sometimes Life is as sweet and honey and silky smooth"
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you sokagirl. I finally felt like sharing an abstract with you all. this one is called " If I could see the word Pleasure" 22560
  15. don't change it based on my opinion only. wait for some other critiques. I'm just learning same as you. I should have said my prference would be the tree out, and I like off centre focal points in images the best. now go tuck those parrots in for the night, and get some shut eye yourself. ciao OMA
  16. I like this style very much. two things strike me right off looking at this. #1 is the black tree. I see you want something middle distance which is great for composition. but for some reason it looks like its floating to me. Are you sure you want the tree to draw the eye away from the waterfall? Perhaps try moving the water fall to the left about where that dark patch is on the mountain. That way it would draw your eye from the outer edge of the picture in towards the centre. Then on towards the tree. and #2 the nearer the subject matter is to the viewer the more detailed it would look. you grass needs to be crisper in relation to the mountains. I wouldn't change the color of the grass that gives nice contrast ciao OMA ps the oil is my favourite, the pastel the least. (if you go the pastel route try the method Janetsue told us about. It gives a bit softer look. If you can't find it using search drop me a PM I've it written down in my cardfile.)
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Crimson my set goes to 8B only not 9B I'm thinking frontcannon is using a drafting set not a lumograph set of staedtler pencils. if his only goes to 4B. and yes the hard points I want are Prisma Verithin. the name is actually Sanford-Prisma. same company same line. need to get into the city to purchase open stock. perhaps I'll look at the set, might just be more cost effective. about the leaves. I know they are not great. I tried impressing and overdid it. so had to fill in with warmed softend pencil tip. thanks Helen , the trip was short but great. I'm exhausted from the climbing and walking. I think maybe I need another holiday to rest up from the last one. I've already started the PDN version of this image. Trying different color combinations but may scrap and restart before I get to far into it. I'm not getting enough texture contrasts in the petals ....so will be rethinking the method. ciao OMA
  18. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I also use graphite pencils and they are same scale as German ones.I have Staedtler Mars Lumograph set. run from 8B - 7B-6B-5B-4B-3B 2B B HB F H 2H .... this set is from Germany. colored pencils are a tad different. its the wax or oil compound mixture of the pencil that determines hardness and blending ability. I use Sanford's Prismacolor Premier, they are the artist quality as opposed to scholastic grade. They run about $2.50 a pencil for open stock here. I have the 48 color line. Wish I'd received the larger 72 set for Christmas. Medium lead type pencils are general clay based lead and I seldom use them. The type for edge work I like are a hard Lead type, color range is fairly limited, and most times I like to use the Sanford Verithin Line. I have a few but need more green shades and a few more redish/pinkish tones. That line only have 36 colors avail so I may need to search out some Rexel Derwent Artists they have 72 color range. I also have two different sets of water soluable pencils. The one I like the best is by Staedltler. They give a nice watercolor effect, but I'm not too good at using them so far. Bought a good book on using them awhile back so shortly will be doing some practise . Maybe make a few little art cards as gifts. ciao OMA this is the link to Prisma site. http://www.prismacolor.com/sanford/cons ... RCat100001
  19. I likey like that one. really a soothing sig. ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you frontcannon and LFC4EVER its not pdn at all but just was feeling rather proud that I can actually draw something now. Most of what I've learned about drawing and more so shading and color has come from using Paint.net . I read at least one art book a week so seems like some of the info is sticking to the old noodle. :wink: I've still to finish the pencil painting work. Then need to purchase some super hard pencil for the clean up outlines. the prisma pencils I use for the colorization are waxy and soft the edges need to be crisp and require different pencil type. .
  21. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks all for the nice comments on my dragon. I'm back from holidays. had a great time, but glad I'm home. this one isn't actually a paint.net item but just wanted to show you what I've learned in the way of drawing. It is to be a Christmas gift, and there is still a ways to go. I have also made a straight line drawing of this one and will scann and colorize and texture using paint.net in the near future. but for now here is the version that is in colored pencil. original size is 30.5 x 45.7 cm. on standard weight white paper with a smooth texture. to be matted and framed close up of actual petals. ciao OMA
  22. possum great secret now everyone knows. I like the use of a plugin you made. that is truly effective in that picture. here is one I have been playing with. its an attempt to make felt/cloth texture. as you can see darker colors tend to look more realistic the light colors not so much. just love the redish pink portion it looks like there is a hole drilled right down into it.
  23. don't forget Simon you could also possibly hide the tool bar altogether and just go the short cut route. (I'm sure you know this one but there might be others that don't know about shortcuts.) for those that don't know where to find the shortcuts http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/K ... mands.html ciao OMA PS for the record this looks like a nice feature I would like it also.
  24. in my pictorium gallery I did a mini book tut with pages that have torn looking edges. you could possibly try that out. the link to my gallery is below my sig. it should be mid way down page 1 or even easier use the lasso similar to how I did the very easy version of the corrigated cardboard tut. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24255&hilit=corrigated+cardboard hope that helps if not let us know. ciao
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