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Everything posted by oma

  1. yes this time I just relooked and they are all there now. they weren't there (just little x's) about 1/2 hour ago. strange. what hosting site is this you are using? must have just been a blip. ciao OMA
  2. fixed now love them alll. nice job. ciao OMA
  3. still like the carmel wallpaper but maybe you should put the link in the first page of your gallery instead of all those little red x's would be so much more impressive. ciao Oma
  4. ok for those that asked I added the pictures. There are as I say far simplier methods remember this was written back in 2007. Many of the plugins make many of these steps redundant so I don't want to hear comments on that. ciao OMA
  5. now I just have to say those braclets are the cats meow. very very pretty. and so imaginative. I like them very much. ciao OMA
  6. nice not too shabby. looks like wood to me. ciao OMA
  7. first off black eyes is a misnomer. If you want realistic punched out lights you should be using undertones of purple and redish blue tones and some crimson red for new bruses and that puke green that bruised skin goes once it starts to heal for older bruses.. seldom are the black eyes totally round either. There will likely be some grazing along the ridge to the outside of the eye (high cheekbone area) or concentrated to the inner lower eye near the top of the nose area. best bet is to find an image in roughly same poise as the picture you are working on that sports a shinner. try to mimic the areas if you look close it will seldom be symetric, it won't be even coloraztion. some areas will be lighter and darker than others. there is a tut about fixing blemishes now that might be adaptable to accomplish this. I've never done a black eye but it would be a good starting point. here is the link viewtopic.php?f=36&t=27823&hilit=airbrush for one when you paint over the skin with the above mentioned purple tones etc. do it on a layer above and set the alpha way way down on your paint.brush. gassiaun blur or true blur might be good ... easier to add than take away. ciao OMA
  8. thanks you Leif. took a bit o get the correct combo for the bottom . I've noticed I didn't recheck a few layers before I flattened so the version that will eventually go on DA will also have them. there is on more element to draw yet for inclusion in this scene, so likely about a week more work. thanks for leaving a comment. ciao OMA
  9. RHoward those are so graphic! lovely. makes me wonder what would happen in just one or two squares were given that vibrant drop of primary colors (red, blue, yellow) ciao OMA
  10. is nice think you have strung all those together with out spaces. properties of the images is 300 x 300 when viewed. so you will only get two across .... is there a thumb version on the host?
  11. not pumpkin orange yuk I do like coral shades of orange though. now don't ask me why, I'm sure Sigmund Freude would have a field day sycoanalysing that one. :wink:
  12. ohhhhhh that is so darn pretty. (blue one) orange one nice but I don't like orange
  13. i can see the one that you got hosted at imageshack all the rest. just little red x
  14. I agree with EER I think its a nice tut. There used to be one ages ago very similar in the old pictorium pages (not with sin waves though) ..... but that person hasn't been around for a dogs age, and I think the images died out even before the old pictorium bit the dust. . I actually use this method quite a bit. ciao OMA
  15. I'm not in any rush. I just happen to remember it was something being bantered around awhile back. I'll pre test it is you want. (that's when ever ... your schooling and work comes first.. oh yes and of course your social life. :wink: .) ciao OMA
  16. now aren't you just a clever fellow. These additions are so lovely. Will there ever be option to add my own shapes? or was that just a waylaid random idea? great update and wow is that download site fast! ciao OMA
  17. not bad Flip although I do find it rather dark. I'd also like to view a larger version maybe a bit more of the texture showing. but not a bad planet at all. here is my scifi planet When all the worlds become a stage just noticed the wonky right side. ????? will have to go back thru the pdn'sss and see what I mess up. something in the mega million layers is in the wrong spot.
  18. oma


    that lion is spectacular! I must try this out. ciao OMA
  19. would look nice with a duplicate layer of the lines under the original lines and glass blocks even. I can see it going places. ciao OMA
  20. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks Helen and soakagirl. I'm not 100% sold on this one. the perspective of the lake is incorrect. so its getting scrapped and I'll salvage some bits and pieces. in fact I've already reworked mountains and lake area. lost some of the colors but I'll see what I can do at the end. its not going to be one of my better pieces I can tell already. but it will serve as some practice work. ciao OMA
  21. three swirl jewels is a charmer all right. great job. I can very much see PeterPawn's influence on your work lately. You've been able to mimic his style really well. just a bit more in the background and you will have the needed depth to display these works to better advantage. Shouldn't be much of a problem for you to make that next leap. even some swirls of light (take a look at the second post under my sword tut) even a little of that back light might work. truly lovely gallery, I always stop by when I login (don't always leave a message but sure enjoy my visits) ciao OMA
  22. soft melody is spectacular. I love hummy birds. dreamy image. ciao OMA
  23. oma

    Oma's gallery

    its just play time nothing serious. just trying to get my mind around the new version and some plugins I've not tried out or worked with in ages.
  24. oma

    Oma's gallery

    update previous page of landscape in the works thanks Helen and Darkshock ...... don't worry its darkend a bit for now. some lightening will happen towards end after more elements are done. ciao
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