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Everything posted by oma

  1. well as the grandmother of the groupI'm a bit slower than the rest to pick up on this new computore tech. This is how I learned about 50% of what I know of this program . I logged on to the forum , then I went to the overflow and checked the picture add on game. I saved the latest picture (right click on picture and saved to my documents, my pictures.) then as each person posted their change I followed what they put down as their change, on my computor.......this gave me a quick working knowledge of what affected what one change at a time. after awhile I thought well I can try something and sometimes it worked out sometimes not. But at least now I have a rough idea of what each effect will and will not do. and of course I learned to use the search button as it is very usefull most of what needs to be covered has been answered somewhere along the line. another useful tip always be cheerful and always thankyou for every help given. a month from now you will be an old pro and helping someone else learn oma
  2. "smack" heel of palm hits forhead ! ouch ! by jove I think I've got it .........finally you all groan. cheers OMA PS. now don't you all wish you had such a progressive grandmother. ....another big sigh form the forum.
  3. sorry freak not sure what I'm doing incorrectly. I go to photobucket and click the image url and then hit image tag above and paste photo and then end tag is this not correct method this old bird can learn just need more instruction than most. just let me know what I do incorrectly and I'll try to fix it. :wink:
  4. [/img] like your new plug in Madjik can see this being used often by any digital scrapbookers in the group.
  5. this is what I've got so far for the head left spot for ears to stick out [/img] and this is how I'll be inserting into the original portion (minus the back ground in this image [/img] its looking still so flat no perspctive any hints need more of a foreground and background this wee guy will be middle ground.
  6. Well this is a work I've got on the go currently I'm stalled. need some inspiration and help doing some sort of oriental looking face (simplistic in nature) ideas anyone[/img]
  7. @mustang maverik very nice cut out/pop up. only distraction in the photo is the rear end of that truck. I'd crop it out . very nicely done though good use of the paintnet program.
  8. would it be possible to set up a separate section for items pertaining to 3d usage such as this [/img]
  9. madjik like it! kind of reminds me of my avatar. I made my avatar old method Aron great use of hex grid.
  10. maybe we should start and antilasing/anti feathering anonymous group I'm so very guilty HI my name is OMA and I'm a recovering paintnet addict.
  11. looks good I'll tell you what they always tell me feather. and I always forget.
  12. @EvilNeko very nice like that wave! and the net/grid work is effective.
  13. last try at the egg used the font madjik told me about might just incorporate something like this into my sig. not pleased with the one I have now. [/img]
  14. looks like you used a few dents effects and the hightlight were you able to change the color within the 3d or did you do this manually?
  15. well I've got the transparency down but not sure where to place the lines to get a proper helix down the middle will keep plugging away I'll get it yet. [/img] that was this mornings try now here is where I'm at [/img]
  16. Ash like it ! I must be progressing as I can visualize how you made that one grid? and transparent colours? shape 3 d moved second slider down to get egg shape. just haven't figured out how where you placed lines to get them lining us so well. and I keep getting a line down the middle of mine. well have to go out today will work on this tonight. chow
  17. About the only thing this plug in doesn't do is drive me to church and back. No seriously it is a great plug in. I'm not as computer knowledgeable as most of you, but I would like to see a reset button. For now I'm just hitting cancel and returning to the effect over and over. At least a listing of the default settings would be nice.
  18. yes do you clik majic wand outside the orb and invert? how many pixels do you usually use?
  19. ""Using a lot of shape3d, aren't we? "" yes sir ASH I think this plug in is the next best thing to sliced bread.... by the way I came across a method of twiting a section of your slow mo wave using this plug in just trying to replicate again. wouldn't that be the way can't remember what I did ... _________________
  20. for some reason i just can't get a good feather on a sphere. can do the laso style as in the plug in info but a sphere well I'm totally lost. any tips thanks
  21. hope this gets a sticky when you complete. Very useful for all of us. thanks for sharing
  22. The Lionhearted wrote no more like an Ekman spiral are you volunteering as my C+ skills are still very much in the beginner stage ie: as in nada! :wink:
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