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Everything posted by oma

  1. oh I'll be back just all of you play nice while I'm gone. be creative. I want some real nice challenging work from everyone. maybe something that says this is truly me. you collect model airplanes, dolls or beannie babies well incorporate it into somework you are doing. challenge yourselves. I want to see who you all are. not just the picture of you but something of real value, a bit of hidden you. chow!
  2. well packed this afternoon, I'm ready to leave. just wanted to thank you all for the favourable comments on the leaves. here's me the PaintNet addict going to miss you all for a few weeks chow OMA
  3. well only had a bitof time this morning still think the leaves need work but think I'm getting closer comments please previous next attempt
  4. @zookey I was supposed to leave on my white water raft adventure this weekend coming but son in law --( the one that talked me into this nutty thing) broke an arm big wicked cast on his arm we had to cancel the trip. I'm not a real nice mother in law my words exactly when he told me we weren't likely going "geeee that's Too Bad" as I supress a giggle of joy. Anyways long story short we were down to the travel bureau today and booked a trip to the east coast instead. Part of the trip is a whale watching tour. A much better safer more Oma like thing I'm sure. So I'm off Friday morning back by the 18th of August. I'm going to be suffering computor withdrawals by then. Upside is I'll be able to practice my pencil and paper sketching. chow
  5. @Mr Frojo Thanks I went for a quick walk to the park in the heat and high humidity tonight made it a short one. so didn't have too much time to sketch ....just wanted to get the concept down so I remember and will do proper drawing tomorrow if I have time. if you take a look at the tut Ash has you will see my original tree I did, there wasn't enough negative space between the leaves. this makes them pop a bit more. I've still to figure out the different shadings etc. think I made the original barrel too small and its the one I pasted in under the revised tree. that's why its blurry ....I think.
  6. used Ash's tut on 3d tube for wood barrel manipulated it from there to the forked tree branch then used madjiks gentree maker for three smaller branches painted my self using gradiant and multiple layers the leave pattern one stalk of leaves mirrored that then did some rotations and cut portions and pasted in individual layers finished off some overlaps by pasting individual leaves over joins. did a drop shadow (sun comes from right top) need to still read up and practice the shadow tut ....if I can find it again. does anyone know how and where on this image my highlights should be?
  7. ASH wrote "@oma: I like the barrel and the tree. leaves might need more work. " agree agree agree I think the leaves need a lot of work but I've not had a chance to go look at some trees closely. If the humidity dials down a few notches I just might take a walk to the park. I've never really drawen a tree before other than those stick trunks round lollipop heads. chow Oma editwell went for quick walk did quick concept drawing needs much work but there is vast improvment in leaves posted in the pictorium. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 6924#66924
  8. @honda like the glass one need to know how you did that at a later date I'll be away on holidays for a few weeks here is my work for today
  9. good tut ASH edited sorry had wrong image up made the barrel for flowers first then used the oblique and made the tree from same image. used the lasso and the same forumla dents on clouds and motion blur and resize and copy for all the leaves
  10. now now its just a phase. everyone new comes across that polar inversion and its like wow! now they will all learn from there. lets see what you can make of those polars now. remember that eraser is a real bonus when you work on after doing a polar inversion. hint when I do a omafied version I like to get rid of the centre......
  11. @zookey yes I've a hutch not quite like this one mine has a bowed glass front and is much more ornate. and the green bowl I put a base on it already. its part of a collection of milton pressed glass wear I've got ( I dont' have the bowl its on my list for hunting down in the antique shops next holidays.) @blooper all are on separate layers except for the outside of the hutch and the semi transparent glass in the doors. Now I'm wishing I hadn't flattened the image at that point but I wasn't going to go any further and just decided to add the plates after that part was done. oh well live and learn I'll be doing the book case shortly hint #2 I love to read!
  12. a little hint about me I like all things Asian influenced and I collect antique glass and patterned plates. this is part of a larger picture and still requires a bit of touching up. some feathering an I have to move the green bowl down to the shelf and some of the wood work needs pixel painting yet. but for now a taste of what I'm working on.
  13. @ASH can I have a cookie as well? good image! makes me hungry for some after dinner sweets. ummmm! Ash you like to draw food, seems I recall a banana, and a strawberry and that waffel looked to me like an icecreamcone. What's next our Thanksgiving turkey?
  14. @guest are you new here? love what you did my favourite plug in polar inversion. Now I better watch out I've a rival on the forum LOL!
  15. @zookey oh this is a great dragon really love it. great colors bright but not your basic primary red, blue and yellow and green Wonderful! @mustang that eyeball is tooo real creeps me out. @trooper that is a good image I'm liking the negative look of this one.
  16. :wink: I just omafied this for you. hope you don't mind :wink: couldn't resist it was such a great image.
  17. well I was away most of the day yesterday and I am just now catching up in the pictorium wow! can I say amazing work everyone. I won't comment on any individual works as they all are great to me. But you know what I like the most here in the pictorium? well its the sense of growth we all have in our work with paintNET. I can see so much improvement and imagination. Sometimes I like to pick a page from early on and just scroll thru a few pictures from then and see how well we are all coming along. this forum is so great. chow
  18. Oh my G! I got mentioned in the same class as Ash and Madjik now the pressure is on! just when I was starting to get comfy with the program. :wink: thanks verndewd from what I've seen of your work you are not too shabby yourself. chow
  19. wow! mustang you've come a long way in a short few weeks and you're correct it does very much come across my radar screen jetty love it (both before and after) especially like your use of dents as a shading. Are you leaving as it is or are you going to make this one multiple of a series? chow OMA
  20. make you outline on a transparent layer not on you photo click inside the middle of you outline not on the outline then move to layer you have you picture on.
  21. Thanks----to----your-----Gradient Bars-----Plugin. To give me a starting point To answer oma's questions too. I posted the fur (I called it Da Tiger)..... But nobody seems to care or like it or know what it can do....So I spent all day making this Now my eyes are falling out......I better draw me a new pair with PDN and fast!!! oh Ash so not true I was going to ask you but knew you just got home and would be (cross fingers and toes) making a tut, at least on the step after the gradiant bars. I can't get the curves correct. .
  22. ok so Ash I really do need to know how you did this one at least tell me how you got that fur! just some basic steps and I'll work from there
  23. Use the "add dragon" plugin... :shock: Pyro...after the "render human" plugin you did a while back...maybe you'd be up to the task...? oh I remember that plugin supppper good one. pyro you're making a dragon :twisted: one? how amazing.
  24. @blooper101 this ones for you your pattern has been omafied!
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