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Everything posted by MadJik

  1. Sierpinski triangle remastered What's this? If you look for Sierpinski triangle over the forum you'll find a sample for the Codelab. I tried it (in 2008 or so) and found it too light and poor. So I wanted to give a try to this sample but the project fell asleep... Recently I found another approch to the formula on this site so... This is a texture plugin. It replaces the selection (or fill the active layer if no selection). Tip: Give better results with square images 512x512 1024x1024 2048x2048 4096x4096 etc. Download it! Plugin Sierpinski.dll Here is the DLL It will be added in the next package release... MadJik all plugins pack How to install Close Paint.net Classic version of Paint.net Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects Microsoft Store version of Paint.net Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: /My Documents/paint.net App Files/Effects/ You have to adapt for your language My Documents The User interface This plugin is added to the menu Effects, submenu Texture. Zoom: Zoom in (>10 bigger "pixels") Zoom out (<10 less pixels) Origine: you could move the center. Reflect: show the inverted image (Y values). Use Color: If checked calculs the colors of a pixel based on the number of neighbors "On". Level: this affect the number of color to use and the number of neighbors to test. Bigger the value is slower the rendering is (say "hello" to more neighbors could take time!). Color adjustment: change the color spectre. Some examples: size 512x512 size 512x512 size 800x600 initial size 4000x2250 reduced to 800x450, some more work on this one (SeamlessTextureMaker, blended multilayers, etc.) And a new sig: Enjoy...
  2. Then do you really need to have the transparency? I mean if your image is always with the same background it is possible to play with the layer and the blend mode to get ride off the pixels...
  3. Eli, I like the signature of your picture. And of course the picture too.
  4. Djisves thank you first of all. Yes of course, I'm the first one to be surprised by this effect. I want you too to play with this plugin ("too to" is ok?). Sooner you'll see what I'm able to do with on my gallery...
  5. Yes I have. Fractal "world" is wide. My plugin is just a small focus on a specific formula. The Strange attractor and my fractal attractor are really different... And as mine is fast enough you could see the change nearly in real time.
  6. Fractal attractor What's this? Still looking for textures and fractal generator this plugin is based on this link! The result is impressive. This is a texture plugin. It replaces the selection (or fill the active layer if no selection). Tip: Give better results with large images (5000x5000 or 4000x3000 or 3200x2400). Download it! Plugin Fractal attractor.dll Here is the DLL It will be added in the next package release... MadJik all plugins pack How to install Close Paint.net Classic version of Paint.net Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects Microsoft Store version of Paint.net Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: /My Documents/paint.net App Files/Effects/ You have to adapt for your language My Documents The User interface This plugin is added to the menu Effects, submenu Texture. Distortion X: this value has an influence on the calculation of X (horizontal). Distortion Y: this value has an influence on the calculation of Y (vertical). Details: Low value to have more surface, High value to have more pixels. Formula: choose begin 4 formulas (using Sin/Cos/Tan in various ways). Chaos 1 to 4 mix all the formulas. Zoom: zoom... it isn't a real zoom as the aspect could change (more/less details). Level: this affect the number of color/grey to use. Origine: you could move the center. Color mode: choose between grey levels, or a formula (using Sin,Cos or Tan) to give colored result. Color channels: r for red, g for grenn, b for blue, choose to replace the channels each over. Some examples: initial size 4000x3000 reduced to 800x600 and autolevel. initial size 5000x5000 reduced to 500x500. Enjoy...
  7. Kittenkatja provide the circle with transparency on the right side. As the background is white we can't see it clearly. I copy/paste the image in paint.net an add a blue background. I keep the top part as it is and work on the bottom part to remove the white. Kittenkatja want to erase the white pixels. Antialias or Feather plugins aren't efficient enough. Keep in mind the circle is an example from Kittenkatja and she want to use the solution on some other subject/object/pijamas. I would suggest to Kittenkatja : 1. Showing the picture you are working on is better than doing expectations on a basic circle. Depending on the image the solution could be different. 2. If possible work on the largest image. The white pixels will be unsignificant after reduction.
  8. You're welcome, glad to help you for this task.
  9. Back to the forum, I present you some material (most of time abstract). Click to see original (4.3Mb 3200x2400) Click to see original (7.3Mb 4000x3000) Click to see original (3.8Mb 4000x3000) Click to see original (14.5Mb 3200x2400)
  10. About ten years ago we did that "by hand"
  11. @Woodsy, thank you for this comment. I'm calling it "My Pictorium" link under my sig. old stuff
  12. Thank you all for the warm welcome back.
  13. I feel as a noob as I was off for a period. So my question could seam simple: How to(is it possible to) "codelab" a plugin for multi-language (English/french/russian)?
  14. Hi there what's up, I was passing nearby and I said to myself I should give a try to this competition to brush up my paint.net skill...
  15. Hi, I've checked the links. Everything is ok for download. Read the post of IRON67 and/or try with another browser
  16. You could fill the layer with a white color and use blend mode or use a transparent background not at 0 but at 1... Full transparancy is not handled.
  17. This is the one I thought about... No plugin will do what you could have in mind! But with your mind you could use the existing capabilities of Paint.net and its plugins to achieve what you are looking for. You could draw any H/I checkers (or some Escher lezar) and use the layers to give the colours variation...
  18. Thank you for your PM ! My version of the tile plugin is just playing with more parameters than the original. It is a true x,y calculation without any constraint form. In fact it's like a mix of two curves seen from above. I'm really not able (in skill and in time) to think about your suggestion. BTW if you want me to add I and H to the shape plugin : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=23498 it is easy, just ask ! Also you could try the plugin "fill with" to paint the canvas this a picture.
  19. Hi, You could try this tuto (advanced user) : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/21485-a-way-to-create-some-tubular-net/?hl=tube In step 03 set the vertical step to 60 instead 15. You could also give a try to this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=17292
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