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Everything posted by Bob

  1. FYI: .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 uses the same versions of the CLR, namely 2.0. Though, .NET 3.5 installs .NET 2.0 SP1 alongside, providing performance improvements for .NET 2.0-targeted applications, like Paint.NET. Paint.NET does not make use of 3.0 or 3.5 additional librairies. So, theorically, you could get the same improvements under a .NET 2.0 with SP1 installation. You didn't understand anything? Neither do I.
  2. Well, I won't say it's perfect, but I appreciate the effort Some meanings are quite different from the French ones (ask, vingtième...), but I can understand it easily.
  3. DM_66, I sent you a Private Message in French. Click the "1 new message" link at the top of the page.
  4. Please use Ctrl + D instead, ESC may do a lot of other things (canceling a Gradient...).
  5. Man, you're logo is great. There's no room to any improvements for me. But you should try to recreate it
  6. Wait. All the awesome stuff showed in this page is made with Paint.NET? How do you do that?
  7. A minimalistic signature... The one I made for the SOTW #10 would be perfect for that :twisted: :wink:
  8. It's just not intented to. The checkerboard stands for the transparent part of your picture, if you save your image and open it on a viewer, you'll see that there is no "checkerboard" polluting it See this thread for additional reference: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/L ... Modes.html
  9. Johnny check that .NET framework at least at version 2.0 is installed, but 3.0 is fine. If not, install it. Then, follow the steps in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=854
  10. Don't use plugins and effects only for what there are intented for.
  11. uH already dealt with copyright issues.
  12. Not really what stands out from my point of view... Anyway, Neoaptt, please don't do that, the Pictorium is to post pictures, and nothing more.
  13. Sorry, I don't read minds, I just answer questions.
  14. It's nothing like a "trial". It's a timer that ensure people is not playing around with outdated, buggy development versions.
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