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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Looks good so far. Now, maybe add some sparkles? https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/19363-star-glow-ymd-100710/ Hope this helps!
  2. While there are some fixes for both quick format and for typing, this is not fixed. You can even see it with the default script: The line after: if (IsCancelRequested) return; becomes indented improperly after pressing Ctrl+Q for Quick reformat.
  3. No, there is not. However, if you want to erase a square shape, you could use the square selection tool: to select the area you want erased, then press the Del key.
  4. To make things shiny, follow this tutorial: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/112360-chrome-text-with-reflections/
  5. No need for a plugin to "draw" transparency... Hope this helps!
  6. I will file this as a bug in the official private code repository. Let's see what kind of discussion with the developers that sparks.
  7. I really don't think this should fall to Rick to update the registry for filetype plugins. I think the individual filetype plugin authors should update the registry (either automatically or explain in their installation instructions how to do it--this would allow association before running Paint.NET). This is something to brainstorm on though...
  8. The way the readonlyproperty system is designed, no. Sorry, this is not possible.
  9. How did I know what string to add? I looked up the .pdn association, like this: You should be able to look up the same thing in regedit for the store version of Paint.NET (Sorry, I can't look it up, I don't have it installed.) You can do the same method for other filetype associations.
  10. You don't need access to the exe file itself to launch the Paint.NET app. Paint.NET can be launched like this: paintdotnet:c:\path\myfile.gif (to open a graphic, for example) or simply: paintdotnet: (to open Paint.NET with the default canvas)
  11. You can make your own portable version. https://blog.getpaint.net/2017/07/21/portable-mode-in-paint-net-4-0-17/
  12. Try this plugin: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/16347-circle-text/
  13. Sorry, I can not verify that you and brake are the same. My advice, get used to your new account.
  14. I just realized there is an easier way: Open a new image. Use the circular selection tool: Select a circle. Press the Crop button: All done.
  15. To address another thing you may be concerned about... there is no way to have a round canvas. A canvas will always be rectangular. But, you can work within a circle on a rectangular canvas... I'm hoping this is what you want.
  16. Start over and carefully follow my instructions. No where did I say to "hit ok"...
  17. That really doesn't do anything if the image is smaller than the screen. Might be better to use: Ctrl + to zoom in.
  18. Use the circle selection tool: Draw a circle with it. Press Ctrl+I to invert your selection. Press Del. You now have a white background in the shape of a circle.
  19. Go here and install the .NET framework FIRST. Reboot. Then, try installing Paint.NET again.
  20. Rule #1 when it comes to plugin problems: Make sure the plugin you're using is the latest version.
  21. Paint.NET has always worked this way. When pasting into your existing image, ALWAYS use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste your addition into it's own new layer.
  22. You can continue to edit an open file without degradation. The loss happens in the saved jpg file, not in memory. So, as long as you don't close your file, you haven't actually lost any quality yet. You can still save a png file at full quality. You can see the loss when you open a saved jpg file.
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