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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Sounds like you installed the store version. If you download my plugin pack https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113220-boltbaits-plugin-pack-for-pdn-v4212-and-beyond-updated-july-16-2020/ and run the installer, click the box that says "I'm running the store version of Paint.NET", click the box that says "I agree...", then click the "Install Everything" button. Once the installer is done installing everything, you'll have the proper folder created in your "My Documents" folder. Feel free to install other plugins into those folders.
  2. If you have my plugin pack installed, which I see you do, look at this plugin: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/115953-creative-text-pro-v11-by-boltbait-and-welshblue-updated-february-16-2020/ After rendering your text, then apply a shadow using Effects > Object > Object Shadow...
  3. I'm glad to see that they aren't hosting the plugins themselves but are pointing users here to the Paint.NET forums. Just create a thread HERE and show us pictures of your two folders (showing the entire window, so we can see the path, etc.) and someone will help you sort things out. There's no need for payment for technical support. However, if you enjoy my plugins, I'm always willing to accept a donation (as are other plugin authors and Rick Brewster the author of Paint.NET itself).
  4. I don't distribute "caption.dll"... so I'm curious where you really got such a file. I checked the Plugin Index and didn't find it in there either...
  5. You can use it, but it’s pretty big. You might have better luck with this one: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31390-hex-color-wheel/ Hope this helps.
  6. The tutorials assume a basic knowledge of C#. But, if you know C, C++, Java, JavaScript, or even Pascal you should be able to follow along just fine.
  7. Looks like there is a bug in CodeLab. Here's probably what you did: When you clicked File > New, you selected the "Custom Help" checkbox. From that moment on, CodeLab assumes you're going to write your own help system. Even if you delete all the source code that it generates because of that, it still thinks you're going to write your own. I'll file a bug for this and take a look at it this weekend (if @toe_head2001doesn't beat me to it).
  8. It would probably be easier to work out a deal to pay @Rick Brewster for the free version.
  9. Thanks for the report. Us mods don’t have a problem editing posts, so we will have to do some research on this.
  10. In the upper right corner of your post there is a menu “...” click it. Edit is in there.
  11. That's right. I did. Anyway, if you like the old version, you can probably find it here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/8318-boltbaits-plugin-pack-for-v3511-updated-january-31-2015/
  12. Also, read this: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/114255-w7
  13. If you are still using Windows 7... Yes, you will need to install the latest version of Windows 7. Start here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36805
  14. I was very impressed with the perfect Fero Shuffle.
  15. I have an idea... YOU give the people what they want. Rick decided a long time ago to give the people what HE wants. After all, It's his time and effort. I think once you learn to work with layers you won't think it so cumbersome. But, if you're not willing to learn... don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  16. Just let CodeLab write the code for you. CodeLab: File > New, choose the Clipboard Effect choose your canvas. Generate code to see what you get. // Name: // Submenu: // Author: // Title: // Version: // Desc: // Keywords: // URL: // Help: #region UICode #endregion // Working surface Surface wrk = null; private Surface clipboardSurface = null; private bool readClipboard = false; protected override void OnDispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // Release any surfaces or effects you've created wrk?.Dispose(); wrk = null; clipboardSurface?.Dispose(); clipboardSurface = null; } base.OnDispose(disposing); } // This single-threaded function is called after the UI changes and before the Render function is called // The purpose is to prepare anything you'll need in the Render function void PreRender(Surface dst, Surface src) { if (wrk == null) { wrk = new Surface(src.Size); } if (!readClipboard) { readClipboard = true; clipboardSurface = Services.GetService<IClipboardService>().TryGetSurface(); } // Copy from the Clipboard to the wrk surface for (int y = 0; y < wrk.Size.Height; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = 0; x < wrk.Size.Width; x++) { if (clipboardSurface != null) { //wrk[x,y] = clipboardSurface.GetBilinearSample(x, y); //wrk[x,y] = clipboardSurface.GetBilinearSampleClamped(x, y); wrk[x,y] = clipboardSurface.GetBilinearSampleWrapped(x, y); } else { wrk[x,y] = Color.Transparent; } } } } // Here is the main multi-threaded render function // The dst canvas is broken up into rectangles and // your job is to write to each pixel of that rectangle void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { // Step through each row of the current rectangle for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; // Step through each pixel on the current row of the rectangle for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { ColorBgra SrcPixel = src[x,y]; ColorBgra WrkPixel = wrk[x,y]; ColorBgra DstPixel = dst[x,y]; ColorBgra CurrentPixel = WrkPixel; // TODO: Add additional pixel processing code here dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } }
  17. That totally ruined my entry in the Geometric Pattern poll. My entry in there changes based on the theme the user is using. But, when you force a white background... blah!
  18. Oops! Too late for the competition... I simply LOVE this image. It is a recreation of something I'd seen a long time ago...
  19. The CSS for code syntax highlighting needs to be tweaked: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/116777-how-to-write-an-effect-plugin-part-8-alpha-manipulation/
  20. I don't see the point in most of your posts... But, you don't see me complaining.
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