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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Looks like I tied him up in a knot. It was just a picture that I had handy. It is awful quality from my old LG cell phone. I have a better camera phone now. Looks familiar...that wasn't by any chance inspired by the picture I posted last week where I sharpened a whole bunch? I just need to know...to see if I should have a big head or not. Definately. I was aware of your oversharpining technique. I was just wondering where you could go from there.
  2. Version 4.0+ which is 2 years out. There are other ways to simulate that brush now. Try looking around the tutorial forum.
  3. Please read the rules before posting again: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3446 This post breaks several of them. Not to mention that you posted in the Tutorial forum which is ONLY for posting tutorials.
  4. I typed those on the graphic so I wouldn't have to answer any questions about how the picture was made. So much for that idea. EDIT: You could at least comment on the graphic.
  5. I'm not sure what it is. It's not exactly abstract... All I know is, it's very sharp. (Pun intended )
  6. That's what my Ink Sketch plugin does. And, since it is built-in to Paint.NET, you already have what you're looking for.
  7. Please read the forum rules before posting again. There is a link in the orange box near the top of this screen.
  8. This has gone far enough off topic that it would be stupid to leave it open.
  9. You posted your message to the tutorial forum. This forum is for PUBLISHING tutorials only. Tutorial requests go into the General Discussion forum. Please click on the link at the top of this page in the orange box to read the forum rules.
  10. I am able to run Paint.NET on the Mac in our computer lab. In fact, it runs just fine! Of course, the Mac in question is a Intel Core2 Duo based Mac with Windows XP installed. But, still... its a Mac!
  11. Well, my KVM switch box uses ScrLk, ScrLk to switch machines. Trying to use that within PdN would suck. Besides, this function already had a keyboard shortcut: Alt-W R
  12. Nice update. I just confirmed that my Outline Object plugin works with this version. Thanks, Rick.
  13. Nope, everything is working here. Are you sure your trying to outline something on a layer without a transparent background? The Outline Object effect that I wrote doesn't work with the new 3.20 alpha. Rick is looking into the issue. EDIT: This has been fixed in the 3.20 Alpha *2* build.
  14. Feel free to optimize any of my plugins. I almost always publish the source code. And, I rarely go back to optimize them once I've got them working.
  15. We know: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=21082 Thanks.
  16. Do we need a noise menu? I'd never came to the conclusion that Median is... "noise"... :?: Median is used to REMOVE noise.
  17. Not around here. This forum is full of friendly users who are more than willing to lend a hand. (Of course, the exception to that is the Tutorial section. Newbies that post tutorials on how to use Polar Inversion get hammered. "Newbies should be following tutorials, not making them." Heh. )
  18. Read this thread: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3393
  19. You could try using a different program. How about a program specifically designed to do exactly that? Like, Inkscape, for example.
  20. Purplehayz, Run Paint.NET Click the File menu Click the "View Plugin load errors" menu entry This will show you the following error: 1 of 1 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\EdHarvey.Effects.dll Effect Name: EdHarvey.Edfects.Effects.SurfaceBlurEffect Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Declaration referenced in a method implementation cannot be a final method. Type: 'EdHarvey.Edfects.Effects.SurfaceBlurEffect'. Assembly: 'EdHarvey.Effects, Version=0.6.2690.12793, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. This explains why the Edfects plugin didn't load properly. He's working on a fix. You're just gonna have to wait.
  21. Currently, Paint.NET only works with True Type Fonts (TTF files). Once you install your true type font, Paint.NET will pick it up automatically the next time it is run.
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