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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. I don't recommend putting this under the Selection menu. Because it doesn't use the "marching ants" selection path to affect the overall effect. You should put this under "Render > Transparent". Also, your render loop should look like this: ColorBgra CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; CurrentPixel.A=0; dst[x,y]=CurrentPixel; ...this way the color information is retained. Done this way, you can bring back the pixels later using Adjustments > Transparency. Visually, the result is the same. However, this way your effect is more useful.
  2. Good to know. But, how would I get the ruler to display in AU or PC? (astronomical unit or parsec)
  3. We've tried to create such a pack in the past. But, it is difficult to get all the plugin authors to agree to it. Then you have the problem of always keeping it up-to-date. I'm afraid the best we can do at the moment is to have the most prolific plugin authors create plugin packs of their own plugins. You can find most of those pinned at the top of the plugin section of this board.
  4. I've not seen a plugin to do what you want. When I want to do that I use CorelDRAW. It is easy when you put an "envelope" around your text. So, if you don't have access to that tool, try InkScape. I'm not too familiar with it so I don't know if it has an envelope function. But, it's free. EDIT: I just had a thought. Could you lay the text down normally (aligned to the top) and then use the Point Warp plugin just below the text to create the curve at the bottom?
  5. Try saving the file as a PNG format file first, then save as JPG. See if that works.
  6. That would be against the Paint.NET license. You can read it here: http://www.getpaint.net/license.html
  7. Here's my try: The original file doesn't have much color detail to work with.
  8. You're looking for the Conditional Hue/Saturation Adjustment which is located in this pack:
  9. Please read the forum rules: Then, reread rule #4.
  10. JustRosy, DLL files must be in the Effects folder, not in subfolders under the Effects folder. As for .zip files that contain .sln (solution) files... sometimes the plugin authors include source code to their plugins. This is so that you can learn how those effects are created. If you don't want to create your own effects, there is no need for you to download or install those file. Only the DLL file is required for Paint.NET to make the effect work.* As for the request for a plugin manager/installer... Simon Brown made one. Look around for it. Hope this helps! *generally. Some really complicated plugins require other files to work. But, those are rare.
  11. Rick reads EVERY thread in this section of the forum. If a specific ad gave you spyware, tell him which one it was so he can block it.
  12. I know you must be frustrated, but I'm just trying to help you out here. I don't own Paint.NET nor the web site. I'm just a regular user like you. I'm just trying to be helpful.
  13. Sorry, but I can't approve of this plugin as long as my name is misspelled.
  14. The best way to get rid of malware is to restore to a previous version of the system. If you don't know how to use Restore Points, do a google search. Then, only download Paint.NET from http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html there is a link to the file in the upper right corner of the page that has the actual file. There are NO virus or malware programs in the official download.
  15. Unless you're using Clouds, random numbers, or custom controls, there is really no reason to code your plugin outside of CodeLab. Download CodeLab here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/ Read the help file here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/codelab/help/ it includes LOTS of examples to get you started.
  16. That might have something to do with the random number function. Perhaps if it was built as a regular effect instead of a CodeLab effect the random function could be moved out of the render function and somewhere else.
  17. Lance, I have no idea. I've never used his pack. I would say that it is most like the gradient plugin I wrote first. (My first plugin.)
  18. Try pressing F8. If that doesn't work, try using the menu Windows > Reset windows locations.
  19. Once a shape is finalized it becomes part of the bitmap. You may want to try a program called Inkscape.
  20. You may also need to check your printer's menus for a "clean print head" option. The print heads may be dirty, preventing the colors from being correct.
  21. Paint.NET defaults to PNG for single layer images because PNG is a lossless format. Paint.NET will always default to a format that will not lose any of your image quality. In order to save as a lossy format (JPG for example) you must make a conscience choice. This is by design.
  22. Try this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=1900
  23. Since I already "won" the thread, I guess we can close it.
  24. Try the menu Windows > Reset windows locations
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