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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Try Ctrl+Shift+Click the buttons to make the windows reset to their default spots.
  2. This looks like overkill*: https://github.com/dynamicexpresso/DynamicExpresso Maybe something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17183314/mathematical-expression-entered-in-one-text-box-and-display-its-result-in-other/17184090#17184090 Might need to add ( ) and make it recursive though. * Of course, with this you could define variables, like Selection.Width, Selection.Height, Canvas.Width, Canvas.Height, etc. which would be pretty cool. But, would this open security risks with interpreted code?
  3. How about saving those files instead of leaving them open with changes? That's what we all do.
  4. First, install my plugin pack: https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack Second, use the magic wand to select the white area around your object: Press the Del key and then run the Effects > Object > Feather Object: This will delete the white pixels left from the cutout.
  5. Try this: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/121504-wall-of-text-v11-jan-10-2023/
  6. Delete both those DLL files from your system. The error message has the full path for those files.
  7. So... you're expecting an image to be just as sharp even though you've removed three quarters of the pixels that make up the image? Imagine reducing the image even further... like down to 2 px by 2 px... do you think it could retain it's sharpness then? Anyway, images can get sharper the MORE pixels they include, not less. If the image is mostly text, it would be better to recreate the image at the new size instead of resizing a larger image.
  8. Why post here? This is obviously a problem with Gridinsoft... they need to fix their broken software.
  9. Please show us a screenshot of your C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects folder. Also, are there any Plugin Errors listed in the settings screen?
  10. Are you running the store version of Paint.NET? Try white listing the Paint.NET install directory. @Rick Brewster your thoughts on this? If something is blocking access to the dll files, can Paint.NET detect that and warn the user?
  11. @MamaMT please read the site rules: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/2932-read-first-the-rules-yes-you-read-this-2013-12-21/#11 specifically number 11.
  12. This needs to be "True"... try turning on Windows Ink.
  13. This message board is all about the free bitmap editor called Paint.NET. We don't use MS Paint here. That said, if you'd like to create some tutorials about how to create that type of image in Paint.NET, then by all means, post here: https://forums.getpaint.net/forum/20-beginner-tutorials/
  14. Since @Rick Brewster is now shipping an Object Shadow plugin, I retired my Object Shadow plugin for now. I'll bring it back eventually once I rewrite it for the GPU.
  15. That's kinda old. If you're using the latest Paint.NET (v5+), reinstall my plugin pack and you'll have: Effects > Object > Apply Mask And, to create a mask from a normal layer, use Effects > Object > Switch Alpha to Gray...
  16. If you have my plugin pack installed https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack Look in Effects > Fill > From _____ (where ___ is File or Clipboard depending on where your image is located.) It will fill your selection with an image and it has options for repeating the texture to fill up the selection.
  17. It fixed one of the issues. Now the outside bevel is being rendered properly. Here's the thing... one transparent pixel between objects just isn't enough. There needs to be, roughly, the same number of transparent pixels as the Depth setting. The old algorithm (written by Ed Harvey) is quite a bit different than the new algorithm written by myself. The reason for this is that my algorithm runs on the GPU (and is therefore MUCH faster). But, in order for that to work, I had to change the algorithm. The old algorithm was also limited to just 2 light angles whereas the new algorithm has an angle chooser giving MUCH more flexibility. The cost of this new speed and flexibility is that you need more space between objects.
  18. Create your line on it's own layer, then run Effects > Object > Drop Shadow... Install my plugin pack and look in Effects > Object > Outline Object...
  19. @Welsh Yellow Cheddar Expand your canvas, do the bevel, crop the canvas.
  20. Are you using File > Save or File > Save As...? When does it freeze? - Before asking for a file name - When asking for a file name - Between asking for a file name and asking for save parameter details - When asking for details - After asking for details when the file is actually being written to disk
  21. If you have my plugin pack installed: https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack See if Effects > Stylize > Floyd-Steinberg Dithering works for what you want.
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