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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. The magic wand stuff would be rendered in a background thread, you'd just get a lower framerate, so to speak. The goal would be to have the foreground still completely responsive and take priority over the background stuff. Once you click it'll kill off the background computation and do the 'real' computation. The biggest concern here will be memory usage. But ... honestly, at some point, you just have to require more when adding legitimate functionality.
  2. Moved to Bugs & Troubleshooting C'mon man, you should know the drill by now.
  3. Well hey it's documented in the help file, in Keyboard & Mouse Commands ... not that anybody reads that bloody potato
  4. Dan, you can do this in Paint.NET too. While dragging with the left mouse button, if you want to move the selection, hold down the right button as well and drag.
  5. It could be, I just haven't looked into it yet Sometimes I like to do things like watch TV when I get home! There was a new episode of House and whatnot.
  6. Is everyone done being dumb? ... silence ... Ok good. Stay on topic. I'm going to go back to fixing bugs in 3.0.
  7. I don't know I just have to look at it. I haven't pulled it up in Visual Studio yet to look at this specific issue.
  8. Hmm weird, yeah. Well, it works now at least!
  9. In order to use Paint.NET, you will need to delete any trouble fonts. Because of the error that is being thrown, it would not be safe to simply ignore it and continue on.
  10. A couple of things, from looking at the source code: * You should probably put the random seed values r1, r2, and r3 into the token. You cannot assume that your configuration dialog was ever called before your Effect, and it looks like you're relying on it to set these values. For example, if I'm using this effect outside of Paint.NET, or if I'm relying on the Effect->Repeat... menu item, your configuration dialog will never have existed and these values will be 0 and we'll have some (presumably) boring looking clouds. * The "Random" class, from what I recall, is not thread safe. You can work around this by putting the [ThreadStatic] attribute on it. For performance sake, only retrieve this field once in your Render() method and store it into a private method variable. You can check out our Add Noise effect's code to see what we do here. (By the way I'm serious about the performance -- performance went up 10x with the retrieve-the-field-once optimization.)
  11. Yeah the screenshot is timing out or 404'ing or something
  12. Oh I meant that the effect rendering preview clips itself to the area that is visible on screen. So if you did a blur while zoomed in, the thumbnail still only gets part of itself blurred. I pointed that out just for the sake of illustration, not to counter or anything.
  13. I have a few ideas of cool things to add to 3.0, tell me what you think. I'm a big fan of "what you see is what you get ... while you're drawing it" which has driven me to not use things like "rubber bands" in the UI when drawing shapes or selections. Compare to Photoshop and you'll see what I mean. I'm also starting to jump in to "let's show you what you'll get ... before you draw it or commit to it." Also, we're getting more powerful computers with more RAM and more cores ... why not take advantage of it in ways that actually increase productivity? Heck, when Windows 95 came out, the first release of Word after that took advantage of the multithreading to do spellcheck in the background as you were typing. Great stuff. 1) Gradient tool I talked to my friend Andy and told him this idea and he loved it. He said, "You know what I spend half my day doing in Photoshop? Gradient tool: click, drag, undo. Click, drag, undo. Repeat. Until I get it right." My idea here is to have a similar interface to Photoshop whereby you click and drag to draw a line that defines the endpoints of the color gradient gradient. However, instead of waiting until you let go of the mouse to draw the gradient, I'll draw it as you're moving the mouse. I think this will be a very attractive feature to people and will give us a nose-in-the-air point towards other graphics programs 2) Magic wand "preview" highlighting. Right now in order to see what area will be selected when you click with the magic wand, you have to click. Then wait. And if you don't like it, you have to undo, adjust the tolerance or location, and then repeat. Bleck. So here's what I'm thinking: Take advantage of multithreading and whenever you move the mouse I will start calculating, in the background, what the highlighted area would be. Then I will shade it in without you having to click. Then you could adjust tolerance (I think a keyboard shortcut is in order) and just watch as the selection area changes. Then once you're happy, you click or press enter or something. And same for the paintbucket I guess.
  14. And yes, 3/3 = 1. Exactly. No ifs ands or buts However, if you take the floating point approximation of 1/3 and multiply it by 3 then you are not certain to get 1.0.
  15. Bleh! I hate this stuff. You're right -- the colors are wonky.
  16. The effect rendering thing is something I'm experimenting with, and I'm leaning towards agreeing with you. Especially because the preview is always clipped to the viewable area (zoom in and you'll see what I mean ). As for the layer checking thing ... absolutely not. If a layer is unchecked then it is not visible. It's essentially not a part of the image, and thus should absolutely not show up in the image thumbnail at the top.
  17. You only pasted the second half of the error log, which is completely useless ... it's just listing DLL's.
  18. Yeah the magic wand thing isn't a new bug in any event. I can fix it with no trouble at this stage. If this were release candidate time, I wouldn't even bother though The file-open thing is just a result from not having filled out the MDI feature completely. If you drag-drop files, for instance, it still asks you "open the first" or "import as layers", even though it should ask to "open all".
  19. I was trying this out, it's pretty cool. A bit rough around the edges though, UI-wise.
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