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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. You might find it useful to select the area you want to smear/blur, and then use the Blur or Motion Blur effect to smear that area.
  2. Yes, Windows XP SP1 is required for this functionality ... we wouldn't make a dialog box that lies to you, after all.
  3. The eraser is meant to set an area to be transparent (alpha channel equal to zero) -- if you are working with multiple layers the way we do this makes much more sense than the way it works with just 1 layer. They can always just use the paintbrush to draw with white. The way things are set up when you start the application, you can basically use the left mouse button to draw with black, and then the right mouse button will 'erase' with white because that is the default secondary ("background") color.
  4. That's not quite how it works. If only it were that simple PaintDotNet.Data.dll is where all the document related code resides. That doesn't mean it can be plugged in to other programs. However, those other programs could write their own adapter code that used PaintDotNet.Data.dll to load .PDN files.
  5. Try http://moab.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/ while I bug the guys at WSU to get the main, normal URL back up ...
  6. There is no effect that does this, but you can accomplish this yourself quite easily: 1. Desaturate the layer you want to change to another color. 2. Create a new layer on top of it. 3. Set that layer to use the Multiply blending mode. 4. Fill the layer with the color you are interested in.
  7. We are well aware of how it works, no need to explain it. I disagree that it is counter-intuitive. People who will be working with transparency are generally at the higher end of our user base and will recognize what is going on and how to accomplish what they want. Imagine if it worked the way you think it should. There would be no way to move pixels around in an overwriting fashion. Everything would always be blended, new layer or not. With our current design you just make a new layer, move the pixels to the new layer, and then move it around. We are functionally complete.
  8. We are adding this type of status text to v2.2.
  9. Sorry, Paint.NET is not an "open door" project. We keep the number of people working on it small to maintain manageability and code quality.
  10. Are you by any chance using Large Fonts or high-dpi (120dpi) settings in Windows?
  11. Dan is correct. This is not a bug. When you move the pixels around we are copying them verbatim, so to speak. We are not blending them in to the existing pixels on that layer.
  12. Do you mean resizing in Paint.NET through the Image -> Resize menu option? You can use "Nearest Neighbor" resampling to achieve the pixelated look. Or do you mean in your C# code and using Graphics.DrawImage? If so set the Graphics.InterpolationMode to InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor.
  13. Read the sticky in this section of the forum BEFORE you post.
  14. This is due to Paint.NET's architecture with respect to how it allocates and uses surfaces (bitmaps) in combination with memory address space limitations with a 32-bit OS. It's comes down to a tradeoff between performance, memory usage, and development time. Right now we have good performance, high memory usage, and low development time. We won't be fixing this. Instead, we'll be relying on the trend towards 64-bit CPU's and OS' (Windows XP x64 and Vista) to remove this barrier. We will have a 64-bit version of Paint.NET sometime soon after both Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 ship.
  15. Check out our download page: http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/download.htm Paint.NET is extensively optimized for dualcore/SMP systems. My dev box for 2 years was a Dual 3GHz Xeon, and now it's an Athlon X2 4800+. You bet it's optimized for it!
  16. I don't understand what you're asking.
  17. Yup, that's exactly how .NET works -- "side by side installation". Just install them both!
  18. Let me also state that it's something we agree that would be awesome to have. However, there is a lot of plumbing and design and work that goes in to enabling something like this.
  19. Sorry, we don't allow the hotkeys to be rebound unless you want to download and modify the source code.
  20. We moved the forums recently, so all the old posts are over here --> http://www.lightspeed.nu/paintdotnet/ The way the selections work right now is a result of us maintaining a single GraphicsPath object for the selection outline. It only supports either inclusive or 'xor' scanline conversion; we can't specify which one we want for each path fragment. The reason we've waited to redo the selections is because we've had other priorities, and also because it's a complicated problem from design and engineering perspectives. But once we have it in place it will allow us to essentially have as much freedom with selections as anyone could ever possibly hope for. Like I said though, it's a difficult problem, for many reasons. So instead of jumping in and hacking out a crappy solution, I've been chewing on the problem in the background (so to speak), and have been working on other features that are easier and highly requested. Things like alternate measurement units (inches and centimeters), updates notification and installation, performance, and localization/translation support.
  21. We know. We're well aware of this limitation. That's why we've stated time and time again that we're rewriting the selection stuff for v2.2 ...............
  22. The problem is that Optool is setting the floating point exception masking and then not restoring its setting. This is possibly a side effect of the compiler or compiler settings being used.
  23. Print+Screen and then Paste. Paint.NET is not a screen capture utility.
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