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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hi @dbareis Welcome to the Forum


    Sounds too easy.

    Using the rectangle select tool, select the area you want removed and press delete.

    This leaves an area of transparency. 

    Now select the transparency and extend the selection to include the bottom area of the picture.

    Use the AlignPlugin to move the bottom to the top of the selection.

    Quick link to the plugin https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/4193-align-object-plugin-updated-06172007/




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  2. 4 hours ago, Robyn said:

    which says to create a folder, "paint.net App Files" inside My Documents

    This does not apply to the Classic Version @Robyn


    4 hours ago, Robyn said:

    I'd like to put it in a subfolder (already existing) to keep it from cluttering up my main My Docs listing.

    Ensure you unzip the file first. Place the file in "C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects" Folder. Restart Paint and the new plugin should appear under Effects/Photo sub-menu.


    Hope this helps :)




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  3. Version 1.0 fails to load in 4.2.10.

    It provides this error


    C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\ColorMatrix.dll, version

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'OptionBasedLibrary v0.5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
    File name: 'OptionBasedLibrary v0.5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

    WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
    To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
    Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
    To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].


  4. @welshblue

    Have a look at these shapes and see what you think. 3 of 11 done. Load each one in shapemaker and see if a light bulb turns on inside that head of yours. If you would like I can do all 11 of them and post it in the shapes thread.


    These are the project files. Not the actual shapes. You can export them from shapemaker to create the usable shapes



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  5. Hi @Reptillian

    It is a bit tricky. If my memory serves me correctly;

    Go to your profile to see your list of attachments

    Go to the post you made that included the attachment and you can delete it from there.

    Before you do though, you might want to move pics to a hosting site. Other files like dll's or Zip's will be removed. You might want to download them just to be sure you still have them.

  6. Hello @highstream Welcome to the forum :)


    Using the Magic Wand tool - set the tolerance to 15 and select the white area around your pic.

    Invert the selection and copy.

    Add new layer and paste image. Do not deselect.

    Holding the shift button, move the bottom right nub of the selection to the bottom right corner of the canvas and you will enlarge the image while maintaining aspect ratio.

    Hope this helps.

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