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Very cool B)


Thank you Red. I've been doing something like this with John Stewein's To Angle filter. This new plugin will give me more options!


One thing I did note was that the dark areas are highlighted as peaks and the white areas as valleys. Can we (pretty please) have an option to reverse this? I particularly want the white areas to be peaks as I'm using colorization in my RPG maps to determine topography (white = snow).

Posted (edited)

Great plugin @Red ochre!   I love this!   <3


Jade lettering anyone?   :)




Edited by lynxster4
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Cool image Lynxster - thanks for posting it!



One thing I did note was that the dark areas are highlighted as peaks and the white areas as valleys.

Have you tried:

1. The opposite angle

2. The negation blend mode.

3. Inverting the 'map' before use?

If none of those work I can P.M. you the code, so you can tweak it for your needs.

The tone gradient is what it is - I'm simply applying shading based on adding an offset angle.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings




I haven't d/l's it yet, so I missed the negative blend mode completely. The opposite angle might work too. Too many things to try :lol:


Thanks again.

Posted (edited)

Another great addition to our collection @Red ochre of plugins. I think it replaces a few tutorials as well. Surprised you didn't make a reference to your fingers. Gave me a thought. B)




Edited by AndrewDavid
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Thanks Red. Here is a combination of two of your plugins. In this case I used Tone Gradient Angle to make the reflection map using clouds as source. I then overlayed the reflection map when exporting GIF, as apposed to applying Tone Gradient Angle to each frame like I did in the previous animation.





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