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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hi @LuNaTiC

    @BoltBait just beat me. His way will work.

    Another way of doing this;

    Use the rectangle select tool to size the area you want to keep.

    Hit Ctrl-C to copy the image.

    Select file new (It will be the same size you selected) then Ctrl-V to paste.

    I think this will better address your needs.

    Just another way of doing the same thing demonstrating the flexibility of Paint.Net. :)



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  2. The original post was named Align.Zip which opened to reveal align.dll


    On 12/8/2017 at 12:44 PM, xod said:

    This is my finished Align plugin. I will not post it on the Plugins - Publishing ONLY! thread because there is already Kris Vandermotten's, which is extremely fast even on very large canvases.

    Thank you very much to MJW who helped me a lot. I learned a lot from him.


    The UI:


    And here is the dll file:


    ►  Align.zip   ◄


    Your latest post may have the label Align# in the code, but the DLL file is still named align.zip which opens to Align.DLL and overwrites the old one when placed in the effects folder.



    Hope this clarifies for @Seerose

  3. Alternate suggestion.

    When opening the Manage Palette Menu - Have the default selection be the currently loaded palette (highlighted of course to make it easy to see what is loaded).

    I think it might be easier to implement. :)


    Since we are on the subject - Mouse wheel functionality for the list of palettes would be appreciated as well.

    I recall asking for that in the menu structure due to the long lists of plug ins.

    One of the updates (4.1) implemented that functionality.


  4. 5 hours ago, ishani said:

    FWIW, you can click and drag any grey area on the UI to move the panel so even if it's overflowing the screen you can find the cancel/render buttons


    23 hours ago, AndrewDavid said:

    I can move the screen beyond the edges but the buttons still do not appear.


    At least Alt-F4 allows me to close

  5. Hi @TSi

    Welcome to the forum.

    1 hour ago, TSi said:

    by default when you're working on a layer in Paint.net and make a selection, it grabs the entire image's pixels instead of only those from the selected layer.


    I"m sure you are referring to the transparent pixels included in your selection. keep in mind you are selecting them.  Knowing they are selected, there are 2 ways to remove them.

    First is by not selecting them. Use magic wand to select the transparent pixels then use Ctrl-I to invert selection to grab only colored pixels.

    The second way is using magic wand to deselect the transparent pixels you have initially selected by right-clicking on a transparent pixel.


    1 hour ago, TSi said:

    There are other tools which either don't have the default MS Paint behaviour nor, because of how layers work, the Photoshop/Gimp behaviour.


    I would think @Rick Brewster has no intention of mimicking these other software packages. He has created a unique application that takes some practice with to be able to do what those other packages can do. Some with built in features but many others with the assistance of the plugin contributors.


    Just my 2 cents worth :)


  6. Hi @Pam23

    Welcome to the forum.


    Character Map is a utility included with Microsoft Windows operating systems and is used to view the characters in any installed font.

    Within Paint there is a plugin that allows you the same procedure to view characters of your installed fonts and allows you to render them to the canvas.
    Here's the plugin



    Hope this answers your question :)


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