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Everything posted by IRON67

  1. Not really, what you want, but the next best would be Mosaic Effect or Tesserae.
  2. Bezncurve Red Ochre Render open and closed curves with 6 control points.
  3. IRON67

    IRONs Shapes

    Today another model - Wartburg 311. Here ist the ZIP file with side and front view: https://workupload.com/file/VYdNecx
  4. IRON67

    IRONs Shapes

    Yeah, just realised, that I've forgotten to name the front view correctly. The new ZIP is okay now.
  5. IRON67

    IRONs Shapes

    Well, 1 hour or so, but you shouldn't use it with fore- and background color.... some glitches inside...
  6. IRON67

    IRONs Shapes

    Today after a long time two new shapes: the famous car "Trabant 601S" (side and front view) from former German Democratic Republic (GDR) - eastern Germany. and here is the ZIP file with side and front view: https://workupload.com/file/z2dkVks
  7. https://forums.getpaint.net/forum/48-shapes/
  8. Picture? A simple method would be "Random Shape Fill" with Six-Point Stars, small size in Blue and/or White.
  9. I can open the files (electronic circuit plans) without any problem with XnView Imageviewer.
  10. Tools: Press F5, but what you need to, is "Crop to Selection" in the menu.
  11. If you want a shadow layer that REACT different on different backgrounds, then you have to make it manually because a layer can't know, what you want and what you like. Use different blend modes.
  12. You could test "Parallel Lines and Patterns" + "Grid warp" and for the rivers just use a normal blue Line in an extra layer and then use one of the outline plugins with black.
  13. You have changed the Layer visibility. If you change it to fully transparent, of course you can't see anything. Here's a MP4 Video Demo: https://workupload.com/file/VbWAvdJ
  14. If I unserstand you right: Techno Robbo's Tesla Coil Plugin
  15. It's not "extremely" important, but I suggest more space than the ~20% on the right for the UI of the choosen effect. Some of them with many controls aren't usable.
  16. @Joshua Lamusga I have another bad news for you. Some of the Extra brushes and my own (saved as png, automatic detection) doesn't work correctly. Instead of the right one brush for it, the effect is applied to the whole rectangle. Only the basic brushes are okay. However, if I add a single other image as brush, it works. List of not working brushes: 3- ,4- ,5-point star, Arrow, Chevron, Cross, Grid, Heart, Lightning, Open Circle
  17. A "planet" with 8-11 times of the mass of our sun isn't a planet but a common star. It fuses hydrogen and other elements. Even a much smaller star like a brown dwarf isn't a planet.
  18. Tested and it doesn't work for me with custom brushes despite I've added the folder for them. In BrushFactory it works well.
  19. You had problems here before because of your special kind of "texting". I think, it's time to grow up and change your behaviour. Collect your ideas and wishes in ONE posting, make clear, what you want and give up those wait-hold-on-I'm-curious-garbage. Keep in mind, that some people here spend their time to understand and help you.
  20. So increase Ambient lightning, Strength of Light and decrease Phong size. 3 minutes of work: 5 minutes more with additional layers and some blur effects: And one personal advice for you from an older one: The best way to learn something about image editing is to edit images, not to ask how to make it. Because there are more possibilities than you can imagine.
  21. I think that sometimes everyone will click the wrong button. It was happen to me too. If you constantly choose the wrong, you have maybe a personal problem with left and right ...
  22. It would be helpful, if we would know, what kind of "pictures" are affected. It doesn't seem to me, that they're normal JPEGs or PNGs.
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