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Everything posted by IRON67

  1. Nobody cares about such inconsistences, if he isn't a webdesigner Most people just want be able to read the text. They are happy, if the letters are not to small, the font is not to crazy, the contrast is not to weak and the grammar is adequate. Never forget: form follows function. Some words about "definition".. Did this look like a serious definition to you? For me it doesn't. BTW: Even browser renders fonts different.
  2. PDN handles very well the alpha channel of a copied image normally. The problem may be your PDF file. The plugins Color to Alpha or Color Range may help.
  3. Yes, PDN is as is and other programs too. I wish you good luck for discussing all the inconsistences there with the autors. PDN has only ONE author/developer and I suppose, that text-related inconsistences don't have a high priority for him.
  4. Again: Paint.NET isn't made for webdesign. Is it so hard to understand? BTW: I'm pretty sure, that your webpage in MY browser will definitely not show me the text in 40px, because my browser adjustments don't allow this. It is an old story that many web designers do not really know how real visitors of a web page actually perceive them in their browsers and what they expect. Web designers tend to live in their own small layout world. I've been around for over 20 years and have designed websites for myself - so I know very well what I'm talking about. Just look at that less doggedly. Is better for the nerves.
  5. Why should I do? You insist on a very strict definition of "fontsize", but hardly anyone thinks. You expect in my eyes just too much of an image processing software. The word COMMON, usually and so on.. If you are so keen to get what you expect, you should simply use a program that meets these expectations - maybe GIMP. People like me would just make another attempt in such a case until the size fits. What about screenshots? How important is Arial instead of another font?
  6. No. Why you quote something about "em height"? In Paint.NET and most other image software this is completely irrelevant. You want 40px and you GET 40px. So what?
  7. Now messure once the "T" and once the "g" with it's lower length: surprise... 40px. "Fontsize" means the size of a single letter, not the size of a word. And ... PDN isn't a browser... Similar to a word processing software, the primary task of a web browser is to display (text) content independently of the screen size, window size and individual settings of the user for the font presentation in a layout which is as uniform as possible and to adapt immediately to each change. An image processing software like Paint.NET simply has to convert once the letters of a font into a pixel bitmap. You should read more attentive the linked thread for yourself.
  8. Right. PDN isn't a word processor. Not with Hue/Saturation, but of course in general, if you select the text and fill it with desired color or color gradient. The better way is to create a new text layer.
  9. Because there are no such specific saving options for the TIFF format in PDN, I suggest, that you better use for this professional job an other software. You can not always avoid higher expenses.
  10. Now I can see it. The only reasons I can imagine are, that you have mistakenly once saved the image with other options or in other format and later saved again as PNG, so the dithering was retained - maybe by an other application as PDN or you have saved in an online cloud service that reduces the quality by default.
  11. Yes. The same difference like between riding a bike and a truck. In general those plugins are self explanatory. I don't think, that you need my advise.
  12. So you have clicked the wrong link and/or your browser shows you some misleading advertising buttons. Use the Button DOWNLOAD NOW dotPDN LLC and in the next tab the link in the upper right corner. Additional I think, you have to adjust your browser. Maybe some kind of browser hijackers are installed by your own before without your knowledge. The you maybe you can remove them by Malwarebytes AdwCleaner.
  13. Wow. You "think"? Just read the letters in the title bar of the program window. Of course they are different. Paint is MICROSOFT PAINT, the standard app in Windows and absolutly inadequate for editing. http://www.getpaint.net/download.html and YES, its for free of course and additional plugins too. Layers, Rotate/Zoom is a menu option there.
  14. You only need one. The handling is a bit different and I don't know, which one is better for you. Just update your old version. Many plugins don't work in older version. Some plugins are available for older versions too. You have to read the instructions.
  15. I can't see any "downgrade" neither knowing what you mean. Please be so kind and explain it in detail.
  16. In case of wrong adjusted browser: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/index.html Plugins: Level Horizon and Spirit Level
  17. You should really ask more precise. All what you want, is possible because Paint.NET is an image editing program, you know? There is an Online HELP. Press F1 in Paint.NET. There are different plugins for that. If you won't install them, use Layers, Rotate/Zoom
  18. What did you mean exactly with "my screen"? Do you want create a desktop background image or something? Select the image content and crop the Selection or use Magic Wand Tool to select the white space around, invert the selection (Ctrl+I) and crop.
  19. Inkscape produces mainly SVG images, that means SCALABLE VECTOR GRAPHICS. Such Images have no informations about colors for every pixel but mathematically described forms/shapes and graphical base elements like circle, rectangle, line and so on, that descibes the content. Thatswhy you can scale such images wihout quality loss. For your project, SVG is unnecessary and exaggerated. It would be a different thing if you were looking for a logo for your company that should look as good on a business card as on a billboard.
  20. Video for Win 7/8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUByDRn_d0Y
  21. Here's my version with Distort This! Because of the blurry edges of some letters (H,D) I recommend AA's Assistant to sharpen the edges.
  22. You can make this effect by using one of some distortion plugins like Distort This! or Grid Warp. Oblique or Perspective may work too.
  23. I can't even open the Gauge...SVG with PDN despite I've installed the newest version of Martin Osiekas SVGImport-Plugin correctly. If I try to open the SVGs from the archive, all images are empty. If I choose for layers instead flat in the import dialog, PDN crashes on every image.
  24. Well, not every person knows that app. I've never heard about it. Show some examples/screenshots.
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