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Everything posted by Seerose

  1. @Rickhum! Merry new year. OMG! 720 frames. Beautiful spaceship earth. I love the colours. Thank you for sharing.
  2. My Dear @Lynxster4! I am so sorry. A death throws most people off track. Left from the earth, stayed in the heart. I feel with you, in silent memory.
  3. @RMSTITANIC! "immortalized" gif image very cool. Thank you for sharing.
  4. @Ego Eram Reputo! Thank you so much. It works for me too. I have Windows 7.
  5. @LionsDragon! Many thanks for your wishes. I hope for you also a successful year.
  6. @RMSTITANIC! I thought that's a game. "Best Horror Games of the Year." Many thanks for the education.
  7. @MJW! @toe_head2001! and @Welshblau! From my picture the background is transparent. I only used @TechnoRobbo's plugin.
  8. @RMSTITANIC! I think they are playing figures. Unfortunately, I do not know it. What you did looks great. Thank you for sharing.
  9. @MJW! Exactly, that's how it is. And I miss the experience. I can do a lot through the tutorials. Thank you so much.
  10. @IRON67! You are very good teacher. From you one can learn a lot. Thank you very much.
  11. @Woodsy! Thank you very much, let's hope the best.
  12. @TrevorOutlaw! "mysterious" is beautiful, imaginative, enigmatic. Thank you so much for sharing.
  13. @Ego Eram Reputo, and @SodiumEnglish! Thank you for your effort and time. Thank you also for monthly plugin list.
  14. @welshblue! @Pixey! @lynxster4! Thank you for sharing Dear Pixey!
  15. @Pixey, @lynxster4, @ReMake, @LionsDragon, and @Woodsy! Thank you to all for constant support and rep.
  16. @welshblue , @Pixey! (2x) and @lynxster4! all entries are very good. Thank you for sharing. @toe_head2001! Thank you for hosting.
  17. @Joshua Lamusga! Really nice work well done. Thank you for sharing.
  18. @TrevorOutlaw! Wow! "Out of frame" (mercedes star twinkles once more) I like this, very nice. Thank you for sharing.
  19. @Drydarealin! Wow! "Kin" is very very beautiful, well done. I have another relationship. Thank you for sharing.
  20. @Humility! it like it very much. well done. Thank you for sharing.
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