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Everything posted by Seerose

  1. @MadJik! I just edited the picture. I'm just reading this is the wrong way.
  2. Dear @Pixey and Dear @lynxster4! Congratulations. You two are always perfect, well done. @DrewDale! Thank you for the hosting.
  3. @Woodsy! And I can watch for hours. I always enjoy it when you post a new image. Thank you for sharing.
  4. @Pixey! Congratulation. @MadJik! Congratulation. @dipstick! @lynxster4! @MJW! and, @welshblue! Congratulation. All entries very nice. Thank you for sharing. @lynxster4! Thank you for the hosting.
  5. @Woodsy! O .. your picture had been so beautiful.
  6. Dear @lifeday! That's just so awesome! Keep it up! Thank you for the sharing.
  7. Dear @Pixey! Glassy or shiny things always welcome. I love it. I always enjoy it when you post a new image. Thank you for the sharing.
  8. @Maximilian! Okay, I keep doing this. Thank you so much.
  9. Dear Paint User! I will from this year some pictures left again. Thank to all for the useful info.
  10. @lifeday! @Maximilian! @Pixey! @Woodsy! @lynxster4! Thank you so much for comments and rep. I feel honored.
  11. @lynxster4! One hundred percent, that's a good thing.
  12. Dear @lynxster4! I always love what you do. All three pictures superb. Thank you for sharing.
  13. Dear @lifeday! Excellent job, good idea and colour choices. Thank you for sharing.
  14. @pavlik1307! Welcome to the forum. Thank you so much for sharing. My results: first picture original (self)
  15. @RMSTITANIC! Every update in here is awesome. Well done, thank you for sharing.
  16. *Postimage.org to time does not show the pictures.
  17. @MadJik! Thanks again. *Christmas tree *Colorful Fronds
  18. @Maximilian! @lifeday! @lynxster4! Thanks for stopping by and commenting, and rep. I am so happy. Thank you so much. @barbieq25! @MadJik! @JRF1! Thank you to all for the rep.
  19. @Eli! Very good work. Still learn so much. Thank you for sharing.
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