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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. You want a filigree shape pack? examples of filigree: https://www.google.com/search?q=filigree&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMIheOl3PK8yAIViaCACh0s4QKF
  2. If you want to try my method, I made a video (watch full screen HD )
  3. It's a pain resizing the texture every time. If the chair image is larger than the texture - resize the texture.
  4. resize the couch image to the same width as the texture on a seperate layer use line/curve tool to create the panel shape Copy the texture and paste as a new layer rotate texture layer using Rotate/Zoom under Layers Menu select the panel layer use the magic wand to select around the panel shape. select the texture layer and delete Repeat as needed I wasn't trying to be accurate , just fast
  5. Turn it up, that's my jam

  6. If you like PDN - support PDN, I have. I'm not into writing commercial programs. But if someone else is interested the code is in this post http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32362-plugin-request-a-variation-of-the-pixel-counter-plugin/?p=431949. All they have to do is create a ui and the installer.
  7. oops again uploaded from wrong folder, that was the uncompiled code http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32439-pixelcounter-2/?p=432646
  8. While I was editing the menu entry for centimeters I accidentally clicked on the menu command to rename my variables, oops Here's the typo correction. Here's the code: pixelcounter2.zip
  9. magnificent, welcome to the shapemakers club pixey
  10. You have to Zip it first - Right-Click on file Click on Send to .... Select "Compressed (zipped) Folder" Sure thing , I'll update when I get home
  11. Did you try the new revision? http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=9343
  12. Are you absolutely sure you want left-> right then Up_Down. That's totally different from the first pixel counter That would make the page numbers no longer sequential? I can flip it but the results doesn't make sense. Attached is an update with 2 columns. Just put type in the book height in inches and it will calculate the ruler measurement for the fold. pixelcounter2.zip
  13. yes it did multiple folds per page pages were scanned top to bottom before moving left to the next page. Like this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/cyhaw5avcjn0ls5/Like%20this.png?raw=1
  14. I actually started on a CoCo's 6809E - Bill Barden's books and MASM
  15. Heather, Here's my first stab at the new spec's, tell me what you think. It's in PDN4, let me know if I need to downgrade. Sharing code: Hidden Content: Updated
  16. It has to be a very accurate photograph that would match the book exactly. If it had a height and width box for output scaling would that do? For the other programmers : Here's the original http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/26946-counting-filled-cells-in-column/?p=395666 Here's the original code Hidden Content: // Name: PixelCounter // Title: PixelCounter #region UICode bool Amount1 = true; // [0,1] #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { if (Amount1){ Rectangle sel = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); dst.CopySurface(src, sel.Location,sel); //========================= Amount1=false; try { System.IO.StreamWriter pc = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:/count/pixelcount.txt",false); pc.WriteLine("Begin Count:"); pc.WriteLine(); pc.Close(); for (int x = sel.Left; x< sel.Right; x++){ int toppix=0; int pixlength=0; for (int y= sel.Top; y< sel.Bottom;y++){ ColorBgra CP= src.GetBilinearSample(x,y); int total = CP.R + CP.G + CP.B; if (toppix ==0){ if (total<765){ toppix=y; pixlength=1; } }else{ if (total<765){ pixlength++; }else{ System.IO.StreamWriter pcr = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:/count/pixelcount.txt",true); pcr.WriteLine("Column" + x + " Top=" + toppix + " Length=" + pixlength); pcr.WriteLine(); pcr.Close(); toppix=0; pixlength=0; } } } } System.IO.StreamWriter pce = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:/count/pixelcount.txt",true); pce.WriteLine(":End Count"); pce.WriteLine(); pce.Close(); }catch(Exception e){} }else{ //======= next code is a keep alive for dialog box //so users know its working. ColorBgra CP=dst[0,0]; dst[0,0]=CP; } }
  17. I used to compile 6502 by hand - I was too cheap to buy the Assembler.
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