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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. try BoltBait's Bevel Object in his 4.0 Plugin Pak
  2. Awesome!!!! You've set the bar pretty high,dude.
  3. Try Fixit https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/mats/program_install_and_uninstall
  4. Yes it's a Green Circle, Try increasing your DPI a little if you have trouble seeling
  5. Just continue the line to the next corner or manually add the Z. Those are 2 line ends. I will add a method to manually add an unsafe Z but not until the next revision.
  6. I actually mixed up lines and paths in my explanation. I meant to say lines can be rearranged.
  7. That's exactly why it was omitted. The order would be critical. You couldn't add shapes with in shapes easily and deleting paths would have unexpected effects. I do mean WPF
  8. Z is already defined to individual Paths. That's the "Closed Path" button. The reason it wasn't included as a separate command for a group of Paths is because the Paths can be rearranged and regrouped and the "Z" relationship would change. This would have added a level of confusion. The question is how often would this "Group Z" be required?
  9. If you rearrange the order it reverses the effect. So .....Clone the line and move it and sandwhich the curve and it finishes both sides to the end.
  10. Yeah I see it it appears to be a windows rounding error when it strokes a path. Change the brush size to 1 and the Rounding error disappears. Post Edit - Confirmed this happens with other software (KAXAML) -Windows GDI+ bug. If you have KAXAML try this and the same effect is evident. <Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"> <Canvas Width="1000"> <Path Width="800" Height="600" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Data="M 10,10 L 250,490,490,10 Q 250,230,10,10" StrokeThickness ="3" Fill ="#FF999999" Stroke="#FF000000" Stretch=" None"/> </Canvas> </Page> Post Edit - With the Brush size as 1 effect diminishes but doesn't disappear.
  11. Yes , you're right - it is Alt + Left + Click Fixed the Narration -uploaded to youtube
  12. Yes , you're right - it is Alt + Left + Click
  13. PART 2 Uploaded http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32198-shapemaker-tutorials/?p=430223
  14. I'm gonna pass up the obvious joke. Excellent work racerx.
  15. I tested at 1920 x 1080 at 125% but I could not reproduce that effect. I made an educated change (a guess) tell me if it worked. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kviswtmk7ftcglo/cc4f.png?raw=1 Version 1.3.18+ tested to 192 DPI at 1920 x 1080 Ready for download.
  16. I'm sorry seerose, I meant a copy of the shapes folder. Can you post the directory listing Google Translate: Seerose Es tut mir leid, ich wollte eine Kopie des Ordners "Shapes". Können Sie erfassen Die Verzeichnisliste
  17. Increase the exposure then Click and drag - Every subsequent pass will increase the effect I'm going to have to borrow my sons screen for testing. Look for an update soon
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