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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. 68000? Mac Programmer? In intel JZ used to be around 3 cycles.
  2. " Style" on the PDN menu bar lets you select "Dash" "Dot" "Dash Dot" & "Dash Dot Dot" You can't mix so you may have to use 2 layers and erase.
  3. Eli, This is what I thought happened, you doubled-back on the line and made it angle. WPF adds decorative pointy finials to angles. The coordinates are correct it's just that WPF likes to make angles pointy, the sharper the angle the longer the point! Since you doubled back it rendered the longest finial possible. WPF embellishes straight lines too. It's designed makes fancy shapes not CAD drawings. So don't expect WPF to give you architectural accuracy. The finial disappears as the angles get to greater than 90°. In the example below the corners beneath the straight lines and the double-backed angles have the exact same coordinated. Here's the SVG: Hidden Content: M 277.5,365 L 315,365,340,340,277.5,340,290,340,290,327.5,240,327.5,240,340,252.5,340,190,340,215,365,252.5,365,252.5,342.5,277.5,342.5 Z M 277.5,305 L 315,305,340,280,277.5,280,290,272.5,290,267.5,240,267.5,240,272.5,252.5,280,190,280,215,305,252.5,305,252.5,282.5,277.5,282.5 Z M 277.5,245 L 315,245,340,220,290,220,290,207.5,240,207.5,240,220,190,220,215,245,252.5,245,252.5,222.5,277.5,222.5 Z M 240,220 L 252.5,220 Z M 290,220 L 277.5,220 Z M 252.5,252.5 L 252.5,2555
  4. It's been a long time since I programmed in Assembly Language but I believe the FOR-NEXT has it's origins in the JZ, JNZ, JE and JNE instructions that use very little processing clock cycles to accomplish conditional looping, and FOR-NEXT is easy for the Assembler (Compiler) to translate to those conditional jumps. Either that or it's a conspiracy by "The Man" to brainwash us into programming all the same way like pathetic sheep following the herd.
  5. The image size is stored as relative coordinates.The coordinates aren't fixed until you apply the shape with the shape tool, so using EER's suggestion you should be able to edit your shape. Handles will fall outside the edges canvas no matter what size we make the canvas. That's exactly why the magnification feature was added. Just shrink the shape and continue. It's not actually shrinking the final outcome. (Internal coordinates are relative, you can't run out of room.) For the math geeks out there, here's a quick explanation. The Coordinates are normalized between 0 and 1 therefore the size of the canvas , in theory, is infinitesimal (but there is a physical limit to how small the distances can be and Shapemaker imposes a physical limit to how much you can enlarge to avoid an overflow error). As for your results misalignment - Please post the text of the image so I can see the coordinates. I noticed this effect when non-contiguous shapes were scaled to a different height/width ratio than the original . If the coordinates of the corners are identical then it's a WPF thing, since Shapemaker only provides coordinates.
  6. Awesome shapes! lynxter. A nice counterbalance to racerx's testostorone fueled hemi-powered shapes.
  7. get an Android open the image twice resize one to the new size add gaussian blur pick a transparent color for the background color canvas resize the other image to the new size centered copy the second image and paste as new layer over the first. Watch the video - pay close attention to the mouse cursor Another variation would be (But not as accurate) get an Android resize image duplicate layer blur bottom layer resize top layer to suit using move tool There's 2 more variations I can think of but they aren't as accurate as the first. .
  8. The classic answer is that GOTO has no WHEREFROM
  9. It's a dual function knob - rotation and magnification, and magnification would be very confusing. 11 what? What goes to 11?
  10. or with this http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/29424-trs-color-reducer-v10/
  11. Yes, I did forget, Thank You - I updated posts Post Edit: @ All - To catch up on all the new features be sure to read the manual.
  12. +1 Red because he did the new graphics and the markers were his idea.
  13. Version 1.3.20+ Ready for download - Math fix https://www.dropbox.com/s/krz5uai8mm951fi/PFFix.png?raw=1
  14. Shapemaker Version 1.2.0+ Ready for download Version 1.2.0+ adds Updated Manuals New Grid for easier alignment. Cubic Spline Macro Button Close Individual Path & Close Contiguous Paths 2 new WYSIWYG handle markers: Triangle marker forcontiguous lines link Box marker for Paths closure Path List prefixes: "Z" and "MZ" indications for Close Path Node (nub) and Path count in Status Bar 4X & 8X Zoom
  15. Awesome - Hopefully the Patriots aren't like Disney. I should make a Manchester United one - my son's a big fan.
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