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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Thanks for coming to GoonFella's aid, Red. I knew you were going to master the 3D, I could tell by your test images. Cool Village. Very Cool Llyod thanks for the tribute. Awesome, Goonfella!!! What was the base image? Wait don't tell me that's like spoiling a magic trick. Cool concept Skully, I'm liking the variety of the art.
  2. Thanks for the tips Pratyush Sasha and Pixey awesome work!!!! ( I wish I had more reps to give today )
  3. My mind is still blown by that image Red, Thanks for all your help. Great work Motto and Seerose!! Oops I'm out of reps FYI- I see everyone's using Meshes - The Texture Selection will make the object Solid.
  4. Thank you Pratyush for the suggestion. Thanks Goonfella and Rei DD Nice , is that a selfie? A very colorful mesh Miss Nite Nurse 79!
  5. thanks Seerose andnow you can make your own http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30188-trs-third-dimension/?view=getnewpost
  6. TechnoRobbo's Third Dimension Turn 2D Images into 3D Images and Terrains (Brightness becomes the Third Dimension) from a suggestion by Pratyush Special Thanks to Red Ochre for his assistance in testing and his great suggestions V 1.7.13+ Fixes Render Queue Backlog V 1.7.12+ uploaded to trap a small height map bug. Version 1.7.11+ adjusted for 144 DPI [hide][/hide] Version v1.7.9.12090 Haze is now independent of Light and Shadow Version 1.7.9+ Token Fix Versio 1.7.8+ replaces Sliders with trackbars (sliders have inherent bug) Depth of field optimized Versio 1.7.5+ includes Ray Traced Shadow Casting, Fog/Haze and Depth of Field - smaller interface for netbooks. also includes repeating textures (tiling) and highlight control. Tiling is Red Ochre's idea and it looks really cool Ray Tracing is a slow process but yields very realistic results v1.6.0.+ New Controls . v1.5.5+ Enhanced setting (Squash/Stretch,How Far & Brigthness, Smoother shading) V1.5.0+ Very Realistic Shading Shading check box is removed (Red's suggestion) Hemisphere Sun control V1.4.6+ 1. Transparency of the texture now incorpotaed with the transparency of the Height Map 2.Lo-Rez Preview now scales with the size of the height map for even faster previews. (As I've stated before the best Height maps are 1600X1200 pixels or larger, if you have an 800X600 Height map resize it for smother images) 3. Sun position was not rendering when mouse was moved beyond border of the control -(fixed) 4. Solid Polygon Threshold increased (fixes potential of holes in image) v1.4.0.+ fixes rotation scale bug adds inverted heightmaps (thank you Pratyush) adds high-speed preview (thank you Red Ochre) v1.3.1+fixes reset default bug v 1.3.0+ Rotation!!!!!!!! v Minor fix to Light and Shadow slider v 1.2.0.+ Enhanced Light and Shadow Control v 1.1.0 adds particle render V 1.0.4+ Allows you to reset defaults and fixes the stop button v1.0.3+ fixed large maps issues v1.0.2+ 3D Render Engine has been accelerated One important issue that I need to bring up - 8 bit indexed images shouldn't be used as the Map file V1.01- Will check and warn you if the Image is indexed . Always save as 32 bit even if it's B&W. Menu: Effects ->Render https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3z9svtyk7b3zul/ThirdDimenMenu.png?raw=1 Rotation demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSZErub3QY8 High SPeed Preview and inverted Map Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic0rEu9035I New Shading system http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyTqu6T10dI The Uncanny Valley NASA can u hear me? StarFish Halloween 2112 Cinnamon Desert Tidal Wave Square Circle Hazy and Fuzzy When it comes to height maps, size does matter. VS Source Code for Programmers TRsThirdDimension.zip
  7. I'm sorry Helen, I just got so excited I had to tease.
  8. Here's a little teaser of a new plugin I wrote and am still testing Its called TR's Third Dimension. Rocket Ship was created in Sketchup
  9. Very cool seerose, I always loved images of Paris. Never been there though.
  10. When you blend 2 layers with their opacities set below 255, the top and bottom layer get merged by the percentage of opacity of the top layer. the opacity of the bottom layer is ignored. So when the blending is complete the new combined layer may appear more transparent because it's opacity is still set at 120. you can easily remove this by putting it back to 255. Oh what the heck,here's a video
  11. For me, it's not the 5 a day, it's when the next day comes and you only have three more because 24 hours have not elapsed since you gave out the last 2. It's confusing. You don't know when they're available or how many you have. Maybe, give them out at my midnight or give us a counter.
  12. or teleportation via quantum entanglement across the time zones.
  13. I just figured out that post #9 is Red's avatar - cool! (I guess I'm a little thick sometimes)
  14. V 1.3 ready for download - eliminates color clipping artifact. oh and a video demo POST EDIT: V1.3 source code updated
  15. Thanks but it's all Red, I just helped him work a couple of bugs out.
  16. Yes it's finally here!!! Great work Red Really great examples too.
  17. The zip file is attached to the bottom of the first post. It is now, Nai I was updating to version 1.1 a few minutes ago and you may have seen at at the wrong moment when I hadn't uploaded the update.
  18. TechnoRobbo's Intense Filtration v 1.3 PDN 3.5 compatible Based on a Topic conversation about Hue It's not a hue adjustment it's a color filter and augmenter v1.3 has an anti-clipping algorithm Menu: Effects->Color Demo Video CodeLab Source Code Hidden Content: // Submenu: Color // Name: TR's Intense Filtration // Title: TR's Intense Filtration- v1.3 // Author: TechnoRobbo // URL: http://www.technorobbo.com #region UICode int Amount1 = 4700; // [0,5999] Hue double Amount2 = .90; // [0,2] Gain int Amount3 = 0; // [0,2000] Filter Intensity byte Amount4 = 0; // [1] Fade To -|Base Image|B&W|Hue #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { // Delete any of these lines you don't need Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); int CenterX = ((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left; int CenterY = ((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top; ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor; ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor; int BrushWidth = (int)EnvironmentParameters.BrushWidth; float[,] hues = {{1,0,0,1,1,0}, {1,1,0,0,1,0}, {0,1,0,0,1,1}, {0,1,1,0,0,1}, {0,0,1,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,1,0,0}}; ColorBgra CP; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { float coeff = (float)Amount2; float mix =1f - (float)Amount3 / 2000f ; //hues int hueIdx= Amount1/1000; float hueshift = (float)(Amount1 % 1000)/1000f; float r,g,b; r = hues[hueIdx ,3] * hueshift + hues[hueIdx,0] - hues[hueIdx,0] * hueshift ; g = hues[hueIdx ,4 ] * hueshift + hues[hueIdx ,1] - hues[hueIdx ,1] * hueshift ; b = hues[hueIdx ,5] * hueshift + hues[hueIdx , 2] - hues[hueIdx , 2] * hueshift ; CP = src[x,y]; //hue filtration * gain float tmpr = (float)CP.R * coeff * r; tmpr = (tmpr > 255) ? 255: tmpr; float tmpg = (float)CP.G * coeff * g; tmpg = (tmpg>255) ? 255: tmpg; float tmpb = (float)CP.B * coeff * b; tmpb = (tmpb>255) ? 255: tmpb; //grayscale float gray = (float)(CP.R + CP.G + CP.B)/3f * coeff ; gray = (gray >255) ? 255: gray ; //base image * gain float thresh = (coeff>1) ? 128: 255 ; float himax = 255f * coeff - thresh ; float CPR = (float)CP.R * coeff; CPR = (CPR >thresh ) ? (CPR - thresh ) * (255-thresh) /himax + thresh : CPR; float CPG = (float)CP.G * coeff; CPG = (CPG >thresh ) ? (CPG - thresh ) * (255-thresh)/himax + thresh : CPG; float CPB = (float)CP.B * coeff; CPB = (CPR >thresh ) ? (CPB - thresh ) * (255-thresh)/himax + thresh : CPB; //gray * gain float graymix = gray/255f; float gr = r * graymix * 255 * coeff ; gr = (gr >255) ? 255: gr ; float gg = g * graymix * 255 * coeff ; gg = (gg >255) ? 255: gg ; float gb = b * graymix * 255 * coeff ; gb = (gb >255)? 255: gb ; if (Amount4==0) { tmpr = CPR * mix + tmpr - tmpr * mix; tmpg = CPG * mix + tmpg - tmpg * mix; tmpb = CPB * mix + tmpb - tmpb * mix; }else if (Amount4==1){ tmpr = gray * mix + tmpr - tmpr * mix; tmpg = gray * mix + tmpg - tmpg * mix; tmpb = gray * mix + tmpb - tmpb * mix; }else if (Amount4==2){ tmpr = gr * mix + tmpr - tmpr * mix; tmpg = gg * mix + tmpg - tmpg * mix; tmpb = gb * mix + tmpb - tmpb * mix; } CP .R = (byte)tmpr; CP .G = (byte)tmpg; CP .B = (byte)tmpb; CP.A = (byte)CP.A; dst[x,y] = CP; } } } TRsIntenseFilteration.zip
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