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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Pratyush, you didn't mention your contribution. Inverted Height Maps!!. It made this image easy. EZ Bake
  2. Version 1.4.0+ ready for downoad v1.4.0.+ fixes rotation scale bug adds inverted heightmaps (thank you Pratyush) adds high-speed preview (thank you RedOchre) The larger the height map the better - this version allows you to preview and adjust large height maps quickly.
  3. Yes, that would be easy enough. I'll put it in the version with the hi-speed preview mode.
  4. Sorry guys. One more update in the pipeline then I'm done with the features. Red, early on in testing, suggested a high-speed preview mode ,it's been on the back burner. I'm pretty sure I've figured out a simple way to keep it in scale. Look for it soon.
  5. Found the bug, Skully, fixed, uploaded Version 1.3.1+ ready for download.
  6. Version 1.3.0+ Ready for upload Rotation!!!! Seriously,I thought it was gonna take longer to figure out.
  7. Awesome Red!! Was that you on guitar? Your Good. Your art is very polished. Top shelf , highcaliber.
  8. Thanks , Red. or their feet run backwards. Why didn't he just measure the distance between hoof prints? I guess he just wanted to show off.
  9. I used TR's Third Dimension to create waves, clouds, castle and landscape. TR's Custom Random Filler added the Knights from the classic Muybridge photograph, and a little TR's EFX for blending Knights of Muybridge
  10. v ready for upload - minor change to Light and Shadow slider behavior.
  11. Version 1.2.0.+ is ready for Download Ehanced Light and Shadow Control - more Shading with textures
  12. I believe you are currently in PDN 3.5 - if you upgrade to PDN 4 this problem should go away - it's been fixed.
  13. Using the lightning bolt for a height map is inspired.
  14. you can merge the layers use this code lab code - it will give you difference percentage 0 would be identical , 100 would be completely different Menu : Colors -> Difference Difference.zip
  15. Nope, not even close to what I said I'm saying that you should be composing in this manner. All layers are normal BTW That's in the color window as "value" In a nutshell save "Multiply" for altering the layer below. Post Edit: And you should label layers better than I do.
  16. you should have drawn them on a transparent layer not a white background,
  17. Load the compressed image as new layer above the original (Layers Menu -> Import from File) and change it's blending mode to XOR (Layers Menu -> Layer Properties -> Blend Mode) If the two images are identical then you will see a black canvas. If they are not then any differences will appear as strange colors on a black background.
  18. That's your problem - set them to "normal" The grey is a value a 63 out of 100. When you choose mutliply it multiplies the color below by .63 therefore its 37% darker. "Normal" will not mix the colors and you will have your perception of brighter (that's your brain doing that) Here's the proof of concept - note how grey darkens the blue when multiplied (this is a real layer blending at work)
  19. Pixey - is something wrong with your photobucket account? The images are not being found by chrome or IE
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