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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Thank you Miss Nite Nurse 79. Nice frame design. If I could +1 you I would. But sadly I am out yet again. I will have to get you when the reputation Gods bless me with more.
  2. That's 3 requests. All possible but it would require a more sophisticated interface than Code Lab can give us. I would have to move the project to VS. It shouldn't be too hard. Transparency would only be available from a file. Seerose - Nice frame job- I like those little furbie thingies you used as a frame.
  3. actually he may not - I could be wrong but, Color is not a stock PDN menu, it's introduced by the Plugin Developers. When he installs the plugin, he will have a Color menu.
  4. Very Nice Image pixey - I can't believe how popular that mesh is. I'm not a bot, I passed Captain Kirk's Liars Paradox. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzVxsYzXI_Y#t=85 Nice Drew, Sorry about the symmetry - all fixed now.
  5. sorry about that, I missed a 180 flip at the second pass (bottom) and that threw the rest out of sync (I should have tested with a different image). I increased the max border size to 300 - looks wild with smaller images but . V1.1 ready for download!!!!!!!!!!! A few tips When using copy disable antialising selection Paste to it's own image and copy again to avoid any fringing The frame image continuity works best if the frame size and the image have a common divisor 800X600 works great with 10,50,100 Select the graphic at the targetted corner point - in this example, from middle of the heart to the middle of the heart Example of proper alignment (Click to view) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ueo8jqjd32ufagn/Paste%20FrameEli1.png?raw=1 Example of common divisor (Click to view) https://www.dropbox.com/s/bw456g4cgk1bmrr/Paste%20FrameEli2.png?raw=1
  6. Thanks Red, great graphics!!! Looks like an amusement Park. Eli suggested it and it sounded relatively simple so....
  7. Eli, this ones for you http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/30192-trs-paste-frame-custom-frame-maker/?p=417962 TR's Paste Frame
  8. TechnoRobbo's Paste Frame V1.3.20+ Uses a clipboard image to frame your picture Based on a request from Member @Eli PDN 3.5 Compatible v1.3.20+ math fix v1.3.10+ Greater Adjustment - Smooth Offset v1.3.9+ Some Eli inspired changes (expanded range,Solid Tiling) v1.3.8+ adds offset from edge v1.3.7+ Introduces alignment options Hidden Content: v1.3.6+ Region Bug fix v1.3.5+ Border width bug fixed v1.3.0.+ add selection contouring v1.2.2+ fixes a Re-entrant Token bug. v1.2.1+ fixes artifact in PDN 3.5 Version 1.2.0.+ wrapping control and load a frame file as well as clipboard V1.1 corrects symmetry Menu : Effects -> Selection A few tips When using copy disable antialising selection Paste to it's own image and copy again to avoid any fringing The frame image continuity works best if the frame size and the image have a common divisor 800X600 works great with 10,50,100 Select the graphic at the targetted corner point - in this example, from middle of the heart to the middle of the heart Example of proper alignment (Click to view) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ueo8jqjd32ufagn/Paste%20FrameEli1.png?raw=1 Example of common divisor (Click to view) https://www.dropbox.com/s/bw456g4cgk1bmrr/Paste%20FrameEli2.png?raw=1 . . VS Source Code for Programmers Only Plugin DownloadTRsPasteFrame.zip
  9. BTW - IMHO Madjik's works the best. Pyrochild also has Borders and Shapes in his plugin pak I see, an image stretch around the border. I'll mull it over.
  10. I typed in "frame" into Plugin browser and found these: Frames by Madjik http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=6210 Custom Frame by Simon brown http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=9147 Pixelated From by Simob Brown http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=9303 and Polaroid Frame by Ego Eram Reputo http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=9303 PostEdit: I'm not sure if any of these do what you want but they are worth a gander,Simon browns Custorm worked under PDN 3.5 Pixelated frame was a broken link
  11. That's cool Eli. Sorry I'm out of reps to give , catch you later.
  12. TR's Third Dimension Images Chroma Ripple Height Map made by Ed Harvey's Drop Ripple Plugin 2400px. X 1800px. TR's Tilt-Shift for out of focuks effect Based on image by Pratyush. Cinammon Desert Ground Height Map made by Plasmatics Plugin Sky Height Map made by PDN Cloud Effect - Texture made Inverted Colors and Gradient Fill
  13. V1.0.4.13789 uploaded - shadow crosshairs conflicted with stopbutton and vice versa - fixed
  14. Yes Version 1.0.4 -ready for download. Allows you to Reset defaults and stopbutton fix
  15. Nice Skully! The second one is a heart? It looks like a valley. Intriguing.
  16. Red Ochre did some large map file testing - got it to crash. I made some modifications to limit memory usage and his subsequent tests were successful. Version 1.0.3+ is ready for download!!! POST EDIT: Created with 2880 X 1800 Cloud Render and Texture Atmosphere
  17. Pixey - Nice interpretation, It definitely looks like a lady - I'd say it's a Degas Ballet Landscape.
  18. Pratyush, That is some amazing stuff!!! I wish I had more rep points but I ran out again.
  19. I'm out of reps again Version v1.0.2+ has been uploaded - 3D Render Engine has been accelerated!!!! No Lag at end of Render.
  20. Version 1.01.+ Ready for Download - Issues a warning if you try to load an indexed Image (8 bit B&W or GIF). 32 bit or 24 bit images are required. Otherwise- no difference
  21. Pixey, I also thought in same way. This is the third time I've been asked this. Yes, I go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 5 AM everyday. One important issue that I need to bring up - 8 bit images shouldn't be used as the Map file - I will add check and warning in the plugin. Always save as 32 bit even if it's B&W.
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