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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Ah, yes. I can see John Bohnams syncopated triplets flowing through the image. awesome work Skully, wish I had reps to give.. Post Edit - plus one for skully
  2. Looks good Sasha. If its tough to for and a call common factor for the imgae size you can upsize the original to make it easier
  3. Post the picture - so I can see whats happening. Post Edit: here's a video on how Tidal Wave was created
  4. tweak the border to a common factor of the rectangles size if it's 700X1000 the 10,50 or 100 work good
  5. Sasha start with a new layer so the background is transparent and not white - the plugin will use the alpha
  6. Red, I got to hand it to you. You sure know how to manipulate an image. Thanks for showing how Eli's suggestion come in handy. You deserve an applause. Let's all give a big hand for Red Ochre!!! Origin of obscure reference Latin: Manipulus English: Manipulation Early 19th Century:Manipulate -Merrian Webster No goats were harmed in the making of this topic.
  7. Hi Ash, let's clarify a few things What format did you save to? PDN,PNG JPG? Was the picture in layers when you opened it? Erasing exposes the layer below the current layer, or transparency if it's the bottom layer. Colors would not affect the eraser. Was black a color in the layer below the eraser? Where the white grey marks in a pattern - this may mean you've exposed the transparency image. Did you save to a jpg format. Saving to a format that doesnt support transparency would change all that transparency to white. Post Edit: If you want to erase to white put a white layer under the working layer. Or use the paintbrush.
  8. Save the image as a PNG again and when you re-save the image save it as a 32 bit image. Indexed images are like GIF's they are limited to 256 colors - PNG-8 is also indexed. Known as 8 bit images. PDN prompts you when it saves a PNG, but most people autodetect (low color or black and white gets saved as indexed to save space) - to have a full height map you must select 32bit from the menu.
  9. It's possible - I need to apply a maze navigating algorithm - figure out the normal (perpendicular direction) for each 1/2 width line segment, draw a rotated image. and advance a full width. To cover gaps I may need a spacing variable applied to the width. All this can be done with the same plugin. Just takes time to program.
  10. Look at my paste warp plugin http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28298-trs-paste-warp/?p=408418
  11. In my original correspondence with Pratyush I stated that one of the features was going to be a Pixel Cloud mode. Well I put it off, until now. V1.2.0+ Ready for download!!! now includes a highspeed Particle render mode Tidal Wave Source Height Maps
  12. Eli all fixed , and I increased max border size to 500 V1.2.2 + ready for download It was Eli's suggestion - I guess that makes mean impure one?
  13. For those of you who aren't sure what this is, here's a little video
  14. SKULLY, dude that's awesome stuff!!! I'm out of REPS but I'll get you later.
  15. Megalo = VIRUS! http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28270-megalo-virus/?p=408155 Run MalwareBytes on your machine ASAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR1xb5rxr9A
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