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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Try this - Copy the match image in the clipboard, select the target image and run the plugin -only the different pixels remain. Background removed TRsDifferenceMatte.zip
  2. OK Skully,I diminished the edge - see if this is what u were referring to. version 5.0.6 uploaded
  3. Work with a duplicate layer. XOR then merge. You can use the black as a selection (magic wand) . choose the original layer and delete
  4. Pixey, I used Plugin Browser to locate: Rosaces http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/8755-rosaces-ymd-100725/?p=139286 and Mirror is in Evans Effects Plugi Pak http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/13003-evans-effects-open-source-as-of-october-16-2012/?p=214109 Awesome!!!!!!!! Thanks Pixey!!!!
  5. Thank you and I'm sorry but I've forgotten, what was the request?
  6. DD,NiteNurse and Seerose. Thank you and Nice Work! Seerose that's very touching thanks twice.
  7. Thanks DD and Red, and thanks to Cajos for the suggestion. Woo hoo!!! I celebrated when my Kia hit 100,000 on the odometer.
  8. Sorry DD,that wasn't my intention. I forgot to hit the "Attach this file" button. (...how embarrassing)
  9. TechnoRobbo's Custom Random Filler (AKA Custom Shape Filler) (This one was a request) Fills your image with a png in varying sizes and rotation V1.5.1 has a surrender mode In regular mode it will not place an image that does not fit the settings but it will make 10000 attempts per image clone to try fit the image. In Surrender Mode if the plugin is required use settings that limit it's options for image placement it will make 3000 attempts then surrender and place the image in a random location. v1.5.0.+ New "No Overlap" option Hidden Content: v 1.4.7 sort by size for depth effect v 1.4.5 Ability to use SpriteSheets v1.4.3 boxes manually input parameters v1.4.1 Constrain to Selection Progress Bar Plugin Browser Compatible v1.3 fixes selection region bug V1.2 Rotation Limits and Truly random distribution V1.1 - shadows Menu: Effect ->Render Sprite Sheets VS Source Code for Programmers Hidden Content: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9wi6dxmox22j3wn/TRsCustomRandomFillSrc.zip?dl=0 TRsCustomRandomFill.zip
  10. Thanks again HELEN, I was honored that you +1 me.
  11. New Version Uploaded Version 1.3.0 adds these features suggested by Red Ochre (Thanks Red!!) Load from Clipboard( tile and stretch) Zoom Background Image Load image displays "All Images" as default
  12. Thanks, Nai, Seerose, GoonFella, DrewDale and HELEN for the thoughts and/or the reps.
  13. Helen's the queen of shiny etheral images but I will give it a shot. For globes I use my FishEye Plugin *When merging layers start at the bottom first!! The reflection patterns can be played with by adding more layers with Screen, Glow and lighten mode. There are really no rules on the reflection gradients ( this was originally posted as a reply to a forum question and since youtube lasts forever...)
  14. You can you TR's Alpha Mapper to make Black transparent and put a solid color layer underneath.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/y67pwy9deuh9sde/Pythagoras.PNG?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/87alw9llmxh7942/PythagorasRed.PNG?raw=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3v1hirrh35u0ly/PythagorasBlue.PNG?raw=1 use a selection to limit the mapping
  15. Huh? You really thought I was done? someone youtube'd Helen's tutorial http://youtu.be/eViWN3YxmAo And of course the original by Helen herself!!! http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15707-glossy-galaxy-ball-tutorial/?p=265529 and if your feeling more cubish (no, not like Picasso, more like Euclid) http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/17173-how-to-make-a-glass-cube/?p=295810 Mega Ow3n's tutorial http://youtu.be/zGgsVU_4onA Vernon Nielsen's tutorial http://youtu.be/ZIYlFeD0QJo
  16. Helen's the queen of shiny etheral images but I will give it a shot. For globes I use my FishEye Plugin The reflection patterns can be played with by adding more layers with Screen, Glow and lighten mode. There are really no rules on the reflection gradients
  17. Since Glass is a combination of reflection and refraction you may have to work backwards from your target vision to get to a starting point. Do you have an example of what your aiming for? I have a few of plugins that simulate a glass effect. TR's Intensity Warp TR's Glass Vignette TR's Displacement Map
  18. Agreed. Good catch - thought I did but I only disposed g. V1.1 Uploaded
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