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Everything posted by TechnoRobbo

  1. Midora - Uploaded v1.0.1.10 - does this alleviate the HDPI issue.
  2. Thanks Red - here's some more goofin around with Custom Random Filler Blood Rain http://technorobbo.home.comcast.net/BloodRain.png Sparky http://technorobbo.home.comcast.net/Sparky.png
  3. Mottoman - http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y461/mottoman1/shapes_zps9a34a1b0.png Mottoman, takes a lot of balls to make an image like that. Eli and Goonfella - I listened ,I ignored you, I listened again and Viola - little boxes to put big numbers in!!! V1.4.2 Ready for Download
  4. As a safety the plugin currently makes 2000 attempts to fit an image with in it's constraints before it gives up and allows the image to go past the borders. Selecting an area smaller than the image's bounding box will force it to give up. But text boxes are so boring. Ok, I'llt ry and include them on a future version
  5. I anchor text boxes to the lower left - Stretched the search button Icon and locked the slider in the results box. Uploaded v1.0.1.9 I'm surprised that VS isn't scaling well to HDPI but I've read about this being the case.
  6. Midora V1.0.1.8 uploaded - functionally identical except the textboxes are anchored to the bottom of the form - let me know if this solves it
  7. don't worry Goonfella there's a video coming with the next release. Post Edit - it's here!!! Version 1.4.1 ready for download
  8. 278 DPI Wow! I am assuming that the issue is related to anchoring the controls. I don't have and HDPI machine so I will have to rely on you to test the solution.
  9. only when constrained, the alpha makes the real shape of the bounding box deceptive. - Remember I'm actually rotating and constraining a rectangle even if you can't see it
  10. that is something addressed in the next release(containing diagonal bounding-boxes) as well as an animated progress bar to alleviate SkullBonz's frustration and making it Plugin Browser compatible. I had to port it to Visual Studio to make the changes possible. Not all bounding-boxes can be constrained to an arbitrary selection, so it makes 100 attempts to fit the image then moves on. It is random What is that? do you mean Word Cloud? As in this link http://www.jasondavies.com/wordcloud/#%2F%2Fwww.jasondavies.com%2Fwordtree%2Fcat-in-the-hat.txt Very Cool Image BTW +1
  11. Try TR's Spline Master maybe it's a good alternative
  12. If it's a large image and you start with the default 300 Fill Count at full scale, then it may take a long time drawing images that will eventually be covered up. With large fill images starting with 100 Fill Count will speed it up. Reducing the scale also speeds things up. The thing to look for is this If this is visible (but not animated because it's single threaded) then the plugin is still working. To my knowledge there's no way for it to get into an endless loop (there's a couple safety checks) but the size and count of the fill image can certainly drag it down. Is that your grand daughter? - she's so cute! +1 for cuteness.
  13. Yes there is a size limit. The image being used for filling must be smaller than the image being filled. This is a safety so people don't crash it. I have another version in the pipeline ( constrains whole images within a selection ) I will add that instruction to the button. I will also publish a video to go with it. Post Edit Here's a preview of v 1.4 just for you Skully ( and anyone else who reads this)
  14. Thanks Red and DD but I had to fix the selection code it was rendering offset now renders are in the selections V 1.03 Uploaded to fix selection bug
  15. Thanks HELEN, The crystal ball was based on an Intensity Warp technique pioneered by Red Ochre then adapted by me to do my glass block tutorial then further modified by Pixey to create her beautiful design. As for the leaves, jump right in.
  16. Thanks Pixey! Hi Nemo. V1.2 is available After seeing how the artists are using this tool I added more rotation control and better randomization
  17. oops - I thought I uploaded it. DLL is up Time travel is a whole different set of code.
  18. New Plugins New Art Pixey's Advice This is not a Tree
  19. Red and Eli, Nice work around but I got it covered. One important note - I did not take in to account the Z-order of the objects - smaller objects do not get occluded by larger ones. Shadows are easy. Z-Order would be the big re-write. Z-order can be accomplished by multiple layers. Version 1.1 uploaded - Shadow system in place. (you may have to hit reload onyour browser to see the updated image)
  20. The plugin uses selections to mask the image. That would be a big rewrite. right now it's random sizes. In order to include visual cues for depth, I would have to render small to large, offset silhouette first. I'll play around with it,but no promises. BTW. I found Waldo.
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